Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/752

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aad institutions to whose support the Government Transvaal, Northen, PaEFEcruRB Apostolic of

contributes. Ten Catholic journals are published. (Transvallbnbis Septentrionalis: cf. C. £., I —

_, . ,,- * Ai « iS^ XV — 20c). comprises part of tnc colony of the

Toimi. Ajichdiocbsb op (Turootnsis: cf . C. E., Transvaal, in &>uth Africa. It was erected by a

Xy— 2a), m the department of Indr^^trLoire, decree of 22 December, 1910, and entrusted to Jbhe

France. Most Itev. R^n^-FrangoisRenou, who was Benedictines of the Primitive Observance. The

promoted to this see m 1896, retu^d and was trans- present prefect apostoUc is Rev. Bdefonse Lanslots,

forred to the titulw see of Apamea, 2 August, 1913. of this congregaUoia, bom in 1869, ordained in 1881,

His successor w Most Rev. Alberts Ntoe, born in and named 16 January, 1911. The prefecture com-

SamtBoimet de Chirac m 1853, made his studies at pnaes two civil districts formerly belonging to the

the French semmary m Rome and served as a dio- vicariate apostoUc of Transvaal, Zoupant^berg and

cesan missionary, professor of theology at Mende, Waterberg. It counts (1920) 337 CathoUcs out of a

vicar gpner^ Mid supenor of the upper Mminary total population of 440,000; these are served by 6

appointed Bishop of Tulle 14 July, lOJS, and pix^ priests, 3 Brothers, 2 churches and 6 schools. . moted 5 August, 1913. Durmg the World War 145

priests and seminarians were mobilized from this Transvaal, Vicabiatb Apostouc of the

territory and from this number 5 pn^ and 5 semi- (Tranbvaalbnsis; cf. C. E., XV— 46c), in South

lous diocesan works which had become partly dis- Fathers of Mary Immaculate, the present vicar being

rupted, and to kunch new endeavors which should Rt. Rev. Charles Cox, appointed 15 July, 1914,

help to rebuild the country, bo^ morally and phys- tituUr Bishop of Dioclea. from 1912, after the resig-

ic^y. In 1921 a Cathohc Congress ^ was held, nation of Bishop Miller, Bishop Cox acted as admin-

and plans were inade for a Provincial councal igtrator of the vicariate, and on 15 September follow-

held during Lent of the present year (1922), whiph i^g yg appointment he was named administrator

Uptizing the fifth child m ^h famfly, and every citizens of almost aU the European nations, but the

child after that, ti a material way encouragemwit majority of Europeans belong to the Duteh C5hurcbes.

18 being given by the Cathohc merolLUite who make Ry most recent statistics the vicariate is served by 28

  • educUon on merchandise pimjhased bv the heads of regular clergy of 4 religious orders, and 2 sectilar

large famihw. Latest statistics avajJable »ve tiie clergy assisted by 21 Brothers and 304 nuns. These

TOpulatiwi of the archdiocese as 341,200. and crecht religious women belong to the Holy Family. Domini-

it with 289 first class and succursal parishes, and 60 can, Good Shepherd, iTreuline, Hohr Croes/fjaaaieth,

vicariates. Mercy or Loreto congregations. The Manst Brothers

■n— .4 -«-■ v-.i..^. A /m conduct a coUege with 93 boarding and 569 day stu-

Tranl and Barletto, .^kjhdiocibbb of (Trani bt dente, and 25 convent schools hai^g a total of 4591

Barolbnbis; cf. C. E., XV— 16d), with the united pupils, are established. Out of thw total of 5253

title of Naweth, and perpetual administration of the receivmg CathoUc education only 2158 are CathoUcs.

diocese of Biscegha (VigJiensis). This see is atuated j^ 1915 the Sistere of the Holy Family retired from

m the provmce of Ban, Italy^ at pr^n t filled the Johannesburg hospital, but they itill conduct a

by Most Itev. Giuseppe Leo, bom in 18M, in Andna, sanitarium. The Christian Brothers have erected a

where he served as a Canon; he later be^e vicar day coUege at Pretoria which will be opened some time

wsneral of Canati, snd was appomted Bishop of this year (1922). The St. Vincent de Paul Society,

?cJSS*®I* ^ £^^'iJ5??'i>** R^"^""*^ Sx^^^^^i Sacr^ Heart Confraternity, Children of Mar^

1920, to suc^ Most Rev. Giovanm R^rine, d. 6 Young_ Men's Society, Guild for Young Boys anJ

October, 1918. Barletta comprises only the atyof Girls,llosary Conf rateJnity and the LadS of Charity

that nwne a^ has a Cathohc PopiJation of 46,000: are ertablished here. A Catholic weekly, "The South-

5 parishes, 26 secular pn^ and 20 churches and em Cross," is published and the St. Vmcent de Paul

chapels. Tram counts 26,500 Cathohcs, 8 parishes. Society publishes a parochial monthly, "The CatJbolic

^ fvf "^ i^'^G^ /^^^La^i: ^^ seminarians, 4 News.^* There are & aU 33 churchesiid chapels; one

Brothers, 110 Sisters and 46 churchy and chapels, of these, near Pretoria, is reserved for nativelepers

Biscegha.has a Cathohc iwpulation of 32,(X^^ and is served from Pretoria. The Sisters teach hySs

parishes m the city, which f ormB the whole diocese; and catechism to these people and many converts

46 pneste,. 15 seminarians and 15 churehes, chapels have been made among them, and oratones. ^

Transylvania (or Erdelt), Diocese of (Tran- Transaction.— If a contentious controverey af- stlvanibnsis; cf. C. E., XV— 22d).— This diocese is fecto only the private interests of the parties to the a suffragan of Kaldcsa, Hungary, aJthough the whole dispute, the judge, in order to avoid litigation when territory lies in that ceded alter the war fcnr Hungary possible, is directed to urge them to settle the dispute to Rumania. The see was founded by ICing Saint out of court, if it seems feasible, by transaction, that Stephen, first king of Hungary, crowned in 1001. is a friendly arrangement under the guidance of a Since the separation of the territory of the diocese priest, preferably one of the synodal jud^. in from Hungary there has been the greatest poverty accordance with the regulations of the civil law. among the clergy, as the government of Rumania con- where that is not contrary to Divine or ecclesiastical tributes nothing towanu the support of Catholic law or the enactments of the Code. Transaction is schools or institutions. However, much is now being not valid, however, when there is question of crime, done to effect a concordat with the State. In the of dissolving the marriage bond, of titles to benefices, same territory of the diocese of Transylvania lies or of spintual interests closely connected with the metropolitan of Fogaras, of the Greek Rumanian temporahties. Rite.

Rt. Rev. Count Charles Gusteve Majlath von

Transcendental Way, Chubch of the. See New Ssdkhely, bom at Bak6csa, diocese of Pecs, 24

Thought September, 1864, student at Vienna, priest 6 October,