Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/779

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the Congregation of Propaganda at the end of each of his diocese, his hopes and his anxieties: while in vear, a statement showing the number of conversions, later reports he will tell how and with wnat result baptisms, and receptions of the sacraments during he has carried out any advice or orders he may receive the year together with anything else worthy of notice, from the Holy See in repljr to his earlier report and On 4 November, 1918, the Sacred Consistorial whether in the matter of faith and morals the diocese Congregation published a Decree setting forth a list has improved or falling away, or whether it is practi- of questions to be answered by local ordmaries in the cally unchanged, and to what he attributes Uus con- quinquennial diocesan reports to the Holy See. An dition of affairs, earlier series of queries for the same purpose had been ^<^ ApoMtoUeae SedU (1918), 487-503.

drawn up in 1909, but owing to changes made by the in«i*^«« n^^r^^rr^^r f^f n i? yv 4•yQ^^

Code it waa necessary to modify them. The new «• k *^'- ^.^'^T^r^ -^^hu'- ^•L?^~^'?^^-~

formuladid not, however, come intoeffect until 1921. ^^°P\*^ ^'J^^ *2 P®i^ their diocese each year

The report is t<^ be written in Latin, dated and sub- ^t^fc^^.";^^^ ^? P^; ^^* «^ ^^^ f"" ^^^"[^^S^^

scribetfto by the ordinary; the first report is to f]^^^ ^ visited at least once every five years. Thw

contain full ckreful answers to all the questW later « » V^^^i^ obhgation, but for just reasons the bishop

reports may omit referring to the material concfitions ^^^^.^^P^*? *^^f. T*' «^^^^l ';*?^^P!^iJ^JfK

of the diocese if it is unchanged. The formula is ^^ J^*' The bishop may select any two Pneste he

HiviHAH inf^ f^n oh^r^i^T^ nnmn5«n.r ^ hnnHr^ n„o«. ^^^ ^ ^^ him m thlS WOrk, all pH VllegeS_ OT

sonally, the residential see, the civil statistics of the _. * ^u - • •* *• -c* *•- t^^ *i.^

dioces^, the number of Catholics and non-Catholics £^T^, 9^*. *H- ^"'!^*'°°\ Exemption from the


ries, and the archives. The third chapter ^■""B«K»"""«, «v«a cAcmpu vu cxaiimic u^^

s tke Faith and Divine worship: heresy, the sacrwty, and the confessionids; or if, the^^^^^

Lsm. Riin^rRtition. thpoaonhv. Rnirii?«m trJpL » ^Y. to enquire mto its mtemal disciphne also.

tion of the churclies, works of art therein, whether observance: morqpver, ne can visit the cnurenesoi

entrance into the cWches during services is, as ^""^J^ ""^^^ to see if the regulations concenunj

commanded, always and absolutely free, custody unlawful or mconj^ous devo^ons. are bemg cairied

of and reverence to the Blessed slcrament. The °"*- ^^, % charitable foundation is by. prescription

fourth chapter concerns the ordinary himself: his or apostolic privilege exempt from episcopal juns-

income, residence, administration of temporalities, ^^^*°'*. or visitation the bishop may nevertheless

administration of confirmation, ordinatii^, con' supervise its moral condition, its exercise of pi^^^

fessions, observation of regulations on preaching, ^^ **^® admmistration of the scraments therein,

mixed marriages, canonical visitation, dioceswl An arehbishop may not make a canonical visitation

synods, relations of the civil authoritiw towards of one of his ejiffiragandiocesa, except when the bi^op

them and the Church . The fifth chapter treats of the ^S neglected this duty .and even then he must first

diocesan curia in three queries; the sixth deals with ^^^ permission from the Holy See. The visitation

the spiritual and temporal aspects of the seminary °^^ ^^* *^, authorized by a provmcial council

in five questions. The seventh chapter has nine as was formerly the caae.

Questions treating in detaH of the observance of vitorla, Diocbsb op (Victoribnbib; cf . C. E., XV

^'Tfuu "^-^^'^^^?f- '^'^,^°!*^'^ m the canons; the -_489c), in Spain, suffragan of Burgos. The present

eighth has nine questions de^mg with the cathedral bishop is the Rt. Rev. Leopold Eijo y Garay, b. at

and other chapters; the ninth chapter m fourteen Vigo, 14 April, 1878, ordained 27 December, 1900,

questions is concerned with the deans and parish elected bishop of Tuy, 28 May, 1914, transferred

pnMts,esDeciaUy mreprd to their homilies, sennons to Vitoria 22 Mareh, 1917, took possesion 16 July

and catechisms and to the admmistration of the following. He succ^ded the RtTRev. Melo y

sacraments; the tenth chapter m seven questions d^ Alcade who was transferred. In 1921 the dioce^

with religious, theu- reputation usefulness, obser- contained 712 parishes, 967 churches, 1 abbey for

vance of the canons governing amission, enclosure, ^^en, 89 converts for men, 203 for women, 4138

confessions, canonic^ visitation- the eleventh chapter professed sisters, 380 novices, 6 seminaries with 407

has sixteen queries treatmg of the faithful, public Seminarians. Tte educational institutions are: 1

morality. Christian lives, reverence of the clerey and ^^^ university, 50 professors, 350 students; 3 normal

the Pope, attendaiice at Mass, fast and abstinence, schools; 1070 elementary whools, 1184 teachers,

mfant baptism, Easter communions, frequent com- 57408 pupils. The foUowing institutions exist in

munion, the last sacramente. Catholic burials, reli- ^he diocese: 14 homes for the aged and infirm, 30

ums, 59 b

lay nurse:

confraternities; Catholic social service centers, refug;e8, publi^^d m'the io^*.

workshops; character of the press; forbidden societies;

Socialism; attitude of Catholics towards anti-reli|^ous Vlves 7 Tuto, Job^ CALAflANiio, Cardinal, theo-

education: the twelfth chapter directe the ordinary logian, b. at San Andres de Llevaneras, in the Diocese

particularly, in his first report to state summarily of Barcelona, Spain, on 15 February, 1854; d. at

what he thinks of the material and moral condition Monte Poraio Catone, Rome, on 7 Septembn,' 1913.