Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/84

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the "Revue Augustinienne/' a serious doctrinal Island, review, founded in 1902, and edited by a group Reugioub Statibtics.— The ecclesiastical divisions of professors eminent at the University of Louvain of the Australian Commonwealth in 1920 were 6 and imiversally esteemed. Outside of the general archdioceses, 13 dioceses, 1 abbey nullius, 3 vica- questions treated, it contributed largely to the dates apostolic, and 1 prefecture apostolic. There revival of Thomistic philosophy. is thus a total hierarchy of 26 prelates exercising

The war save an opportunity to the Associa- episcopal jurisdiction, including 1 delegate apostolic tion of Our Lady of Salvation, founded in 1871 by and 1 coadjutor archbishop. The former Diocese Fr. Picard, second superior general, and continued of Port Victoria and Palmerston was established as by his successors, to show its fecundity. During the Prefecture Apostolic of the Northern Territory the war it distributed 10,500 portable altars to the in 1906. The Diocese of Wa«ca Wagga was erected armies, brought aid to ravaged dioceses, celebrated from part of the Diocese of <Goulboum in 1917. innumerable Masses for dead soldiers, made numer- ^ The number of Catholics in the various provinces ous appeals for war orphans, continued the pil- in 1911 was as follows: New South Wales, 402,313; primages to Lourdes, especially that of 1916, when Victoria, 278,465; Queensland, 141,161; South Aus- it conducted 1200 children to the grotto, delegates tralia, 53,467; West Australia, 58,449; Tasmania, of more than 800,000 little ones who sent up a 29,576; total, 963,431. The total number of Jews fervent petition to the Virgin of Massabielle for was 17,287. The numerical strength of the principal the victory of the Allies. A Brief of Pope Benedict religious groups in the different states in 1911 is XV in 1919, enriched the association with new given in the table on the following page, compiled indulgences. irom the Australian Year Book for 1917.

During recent years the congregation has lost Economic Conditions. — ^The total foreign trade many of its eminent members. In 1912 Fr. V. de of Australia for the fiscal year 1919 amounted to P. Bailly (q.v.), died at Paris at the age of eighty $905,594,818; that with the United States to $166,- years. His brother, Fr. E. BaUly (q.v.) third 215,240, of which $125,672,693 represent imports superior general, died in 1917. Fr. Germer-Durant, from the United States to Australia and $40,542,277 a learned Orientalist and epigraphist, officially were exports from Australia to the United States, chaiged with excavations and scientific researches The countries contributing chiefly to Australia's in Palestine, correspondent of the Society des imports are the United Kingdom and other British Antiquaires" of France, died in 1917. Since the possessions, the United States, and Japan. The cus- death of fV. Bailly (1917), the congregation has toms tariff Act of 1920 gives the preference to goods been governed by Fr. J. Maubon, vicar general, to and from the United Kingdom. During the formerly superior of the mission of the Orient and war the wheat crop of Australia was controlled Chile. A new superior general is to be named in by Government pools in the different states, which 1922. guaranteed the farmer a price and made advances.

The general chapter of the Congregation held For 191&-1920 the wheat yield was placed at 46,210,- at Rome at the end of 1921 has reorganised the 380 bushels. The development of barley culture congregation in conformity with the new Code of of late years has been very laige. The wool clip Canon Law. The provinces constituted are: 3 in which passed through the hands of the Central France, 1 in Belgium, 1 in the United States, 1 Wool Committee amounted to 652,109,672 pounds, , in Chile, each with its own novitiate and scholas- or 2,025,486 bales, valued at $204,516,430. All this ticate of philosophy. The novitiate lasts one year, wool went to the Imperial British Government at and the course of philosophy for the religious is a flat rate of 15^ pence a pound. The imperial three years. There are at present 700 religious and 90 contract ended 30 June, 1920. The total number houses. The congregation has under its direction, of sheep in the Australian Commonwealth in 1918 the Oblates of the Assumption, who have boarding was 84,965,012. Plans are being made to foster schools in France, Belgium, the Orient, and Eng- the manufacture of woolen goods. Sydney is the land; the Little Sisters of the Assumption, who chief shipping port of Australia, and in spite of are established outside of France in different cities war difficulties has a shipping trade, exceeded by of Belgium, England, Italy, Chile, and the United only four ports in the United Kingdom, Liverpool, States where they have foundations in New York London, the Tsoie, and Cardiff. The total area of and Philadelphia; the '*Orantes," a community of the port consists of 14,284 acres, of which 3,000 contemplative religious, founded by Fr. Picard in acres have a depth of 35 to 160 feet. A Com- 1900, with the assistance of the Comtesse dlrrsel, monwealth Bureau of Commerce and Industry first superior general, who died at Paris in 1921; was established in 1919 to organize the country's and the Sisters of St. Joan of Arc (q.v.). resources and form a policv for the expansion of

trade, improvement of methods and establishment

Anstralift (cf. C. E., n-113d), Commonwealth of new industries. OF, is a self-governing federal state under the British The chief difficulty with the Australian railway Crown, comprising six states and two territories, system has been with the varying gauges of the These, with their population according to the 1911 states, each state having begun its own ^stem census, are: New South Wales, 1,646,734; Victoria, and adopted its own gauge without considering the 1315,551; Queensland, 605,813; South Australia, subsequent necessity of linking up with another 408,558; West Australia, 282,114; Tasmania (a sep- line. It was decided in 1920 to luive a standard arate island), 191,211; Northern Territory (trans- gauge of four feet eight and a half inches. In ferred to the Commonwealth of South Australia 1912 the building of the trans-Australian railway 1 January, 1911), 3,310; Federal Territory (trans- from Port Augusta in South Austraha to Kal- f erred on the same date by New South Wales), goorlie in Western Australia was commenced and 1,714; total, 4,455,005. The estimated total popula- was opened in November, 1917, the length being tion of the Commonwealth on 1 January, 1920, was 1,051 miles. A transcontinental railway from 5,247,019. An area of 28 square miles at Jervis Bay north to south, over 1,000 miles in length, is also was acquired for purposes of a naval college, and under consideration. The mileage of the govern-