Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/96

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Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore from 1877, and tions of the diocese are: 2 homes for aged poor,

the nation's most prominent churchman and citisen, 2 for self-supporting girls, and 1 for boys; 12 infant

died, and was succeeded by Rt. Rev. Michael J. and orphan asylums with 1,418 children; 8 hospitals

Curley, former Bishop of St. Augustine, installed for the sick, 1 for the insane; 3 Houses of the

30 November, 1921. In October, 1911, the diocese Good Shepherd: 2 settlement houses under the

celebrated, with great pomp and ceremony, the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Council,

golden jubilee of the cardinal's priesthood and the and 4 day nurseries. The industrial schools, orphan

silver jubilee of his accession to the cardinalate, a^lums, hospitals and houses of the Good Shepherd

the celebration lasting one week. On 29 October, receive aid from state and city for subjects officially

1918, the golden jubilee of his elevation to the committed. Such public institutions as the Walter

episcopate was celebrated quietly at St. Mary's Reed Government Hospital, Washington Asylum,

Seminary, and on 20 Februanr, 1919, a public cele- Soldiers' Home, and St. Elizabeth's for the Insane,

bration was held at the Franciscan Monastery, in Washington, Bay View Hospital in Baltimore,

Brookland, Washington, D. C. Maryland Sanatoria, and Eudowood and Sabillas-

On 10 September, 1919, His Eminence D6sir6 villo, Md., admit the ministry of priests of the

Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malines, Belgium, diocese. The various organizations among the

visited the Diocese of Baltimore and spent several clergy are : the Clerical Benevolent Association and

days at the cardinal's residence. the Association of Prayers for Deceased Priests.

On 23 September, 1920, the corner-stone of the Among the laity the usual reli^ous fraternal and

Shrine of the Immaculate Conception chapel at the parish organizations and societies are conducted.

Catholic University was laid. The first yearly meet- The "Baltimore Review" is the diocesan official

ing of the Hierarchy of the United States, which weekly.

h^been inaugurated in recent years, was held in Bamako, Vicariatb Apobtouc of (db Bamako).

^^A^ fl^trAin.} m.nv ntW nromin.nt «l«nn.. ^ F^^^\l^^ Northern ^Africa. By a Decree

the in

manora VQ.^ January, iw»; pastor 01 DL.riuncK^ ^ ^ jj vicariate extending from th

Washington, and a noted Shakespearean student go tJK^^ ^ i^ ^y^ ^j ^1^^ jy^ j^j-g^ j

and lecturer; Rt. Rev. Charles Warren Cunrier, ^^^ ^-^ '^^ Timbuctoo, and from here, to thel)oun. p.p. (d. ^ Septenaber 1918) nusMonaiy.b^^^^ ^^^ ^^ the three civil' departments of

lecturer and wnter; Rt^Rev. iUfred A. Curtis D.D. Bandiagara, Dedugu and Bobodiulasio. AU terri-

(d. 11 July, 1908), noted convert to the Church j^Rt. ^ ^^ of this Tine is included in this vicariate. Rev. Mgr. Dennis J. Flynn, D.

S resident of Mt. St. Mary's C Id.; Rev. Francis X. McKen 1917), president of St. Charles Md.; Mgr. W. H. Ketcham (d.

director Bureau of CathoHc Indian Misaons, Wash- ^ISto^' fom^'a^artT hkd a total population of

ington. Among the prominent laymen of the dioce^ 4,000,000, of whom 1000 were EuropeW^ Catholics,

deceased within recent years are: Mr. Edgar Cans (d ^ ^^^holic negroes and 4000 cat^umens. The

20 September, 1914), prominent lawyer; Mr.Michael miarioncompris^ 43 missiomiiy priests, 72 catechists,

Jenkins (d. 7 September, 1915), trustee of Catholic ^3 churches or chapels, 10 schools, 7 orphanages, 3

teTn^o?nnS^'Q? /^ Bonaparte, (d. 28 June, , gettlements, 2 h'ospitals, and W ESSry

University: Hon. Edward Douglass White (d. 19 Bamberg, Abchdiocbsb of (Bambebgbnsib: cf. C.

May, 1921), Chief Justice of &e Supreme Court E., II-242d), in Bavaria. Of the many Catholic

of the United States. During the World War conventions successively held within the archdiocese

twelve of the diocesan clergy served as chaplains, since 1919 of special note is that of Nuremberg in

and 276 young men gave up their lives. 1921, attended by 45,000 faithful, and that of Bam-

The totalCatholic population of the diocese is berg in the same year, at which 25,000 were present. 276,200 and includes the following races: negro Durine the World War sixty-five priests cared for (15,280), German (25,572), Italian (16,800), Lithu- the soldiers at the front or in the hospitals, and the anian (8,000), Polish (19,679), Czechoslavak (7,000). Catholic laity strove in every way to relieve the Since 1907, 23 new parishes have been established existing miseiy and suffering. Among the recently and at the present time there are in all: parishes, deceased clergy of note are: Rev. francis Xavier 151; churches, 227; missions, 76; monasteries for Scheidler, dean of the metropolitan chapter, Pro- men, 3; convents for women, 9, with total number thonotary of the Roman Curia, died 1911: Franz of sisters 503; secular priests, 290; regular clergy, von Keller, provost of the Chapter; Archbishop 325; lay brothers. 108; nuns and sisters, 1,512; Friedrich Philipp von Abert (d. 25 May, 1912). seminaries, 17, with 940 seminarians; universities, 3, The present incumbent is the Most Rev. Johannes with 300 professors and a total attendance of 2,962; Jacobus Hauck, b. at Miltenberg 22 December, 1861, colleges for men, 9, with 155 teachers and an at- ordained 3 August, 1884, appointed to the see of tendance of 2,033; colleges for women, 3, with 117 Bamberg 18 June, 1912, and consecrated 25 July fol- teachers and an attendance of 825; academies, 14, lowing. He received the pallium 11 January, 1913. with 195 teachers and an attendance of: boys 579, The auxiliary bishop is Rt. Rev. Adam Senger, girls 1,302; normal schools, 3, with 47 teachers and titular bishop of Comana.

an attendance of 344 ; training schools, 2, with 19 The archdiocese contains 465,000 Catholics. There

teachers and an attendance of 84; elementary are 225 parishes, 625 churches, 129 chaplaincies, 60

schools, 97, with 755 teachers and an attendance of benifices, 57 curacies, 11 monasteries for men and

31,802; industrial schools, 4, with 59 teachers and 6 for women, 97 convents for women, 93 lay

an attendance of 1,151. brothers, 478 secular clergy, 48 regular clergy, and

Missionary work is carried on by the Mission 2 seminaries. There is a university with 12 pro- Helpers of the Sacred Heart, and among the institu- fessors (53 students), 1 kochschide for boys with