Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 2.djvu/358

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field was a new one for until the date of his first pub- lication scarcely any attention had been paid to stratigraphical geology and palaeontologj" in Bohemia. During the summers of 1840-50 he made preliminary surveys on foot of the Silurian district, an area of about" 140 sq. miles. This was the beginning of his extensive investigations on the Silurian system of Bohemia. Quarries were opened and workmen en- gaged to search for fossils, and for forty-three years he devoted his time and resources to the vast under- taking and especially to describing, naming, and figuring the numerous specimens which were dis- covered. The results of his labours are contained in his great work — "Systeme silurien du centre de la Boheme — which stands almost unrivalled in pala?on- tological literature" (von Zittel). The first volume was published in 1S52 and at the time of his death twenty-two large quarto volumes ■nnth 1160 plates had appeared. Barrande was also the author of "Colonie dans le bassin silurien de la Boheme (1860); " Documents sur la faune primordiale et le systeme taconique en Am^rique " (1861); " Represen- tation de colonies de la Boheme dans le bassin silurien du nord-ouest de la France " (1863) ; " Cephalopodes — Etudes gen^rales". His private life was simple and uneventful. He carried on a correspondence with the leading geologists of other countries, some of ■whom visited liim at Prague. At his death he pro- \'ided means for the completion of his " Systeme si- liu'ien " and bequeathed his librarj'and valuable col- lection of fossils to the Natural History Museum at Prague.

Geological Magazine (Dec., 1883; new series, Decade II. Vol. X. No. xii): VON Zittel, Hutory of Geology and Palceontology (London, 1901).

H. M. Brock.

Barrasa (or Barr.\za), Jacinto, b. at Lima, Peru, early in the seventeenth century; d. there, 22 Nov., 1704. When, in the seventeenth centurj', the differ- ent religious orders appointed historiographers or official chroniclers of the work done in their several American provinces, the Jesuits selected Father Ignacio Arbieto for their Peruvian missions, but as his account was not accepted Father Jacinto Barrasa was appointed in his stead. His fame was principally as a preacher, and two volumes of his "Sermones" were pubUshed, one at Madrid in 1678, the other at Lima in 1679. In the latter year he finished his voluminous history of the Society of Jesus in Peru, which is still at Lima in private hands, and compri- ses 1,.350 pages of manuscript. Its title is; " Historia de las fundaciones de los colegios y casas de la Com- pania de Jesi'is, con la noticia de las \ndas y ^irtudes religiosas de algunos varones ilustres que en ella trabajaron. " No allusions are made in that chronicle to any other events than those of a religious or ec- clesiastical nature. In addition to the "Sermones", a "Panegirico", pronounced by him in 1669 on the beatification of St. Rose of Lima, was also printed.

Torres Saldamando. Los anti{fuos Jesuitas del Peru U-ima. 1882); CoBO. Historia de la fundacion de Lima (published at Lima, 1882, but written in the year 1639).

Ad. F. Bandelier.

Barre, Antoine-Lefeb^-re, Sieur de la, tenth French Governor-General of Canada, b. at Paris in 1622; d. in 1690. De la Barre was made a counsellor of the Parlenient (High Court) in 1646, master of requests in 1653, and was Intendant of Paris during the civil war. After this he successively held other offices until he became Intendant of Bourbonnais in 1663. There he formed a company called "Com- pagnie de la France ^quinoxiale" to colonize Guiana, and was appointed lieutenant-general and governor of that part of America. He sailed from Rochelle in 1664 with the Marquis de Tracy, who had been appointed \-iceroy of the French possessions in America. After establishing himself at Cayenne.

which de Tracy had taken from the Dutch, de la Barre returned to Prance in the autumn of the same year, and while there published an account of his mission and his hopes for the future of Guiana, under the title of "La Description de la France ^qui- noxiale". Soon after, he was appointed commander of Guiana and the French Antilles. In 1671 he was made captain of a man-of-war; in the same year he published the "Journal du voyage du sieur de la Barre en la terre ferme et Ue de Cayenne".

De la Barre was appointed Ciovernor-General of Canada to replace Frontenac, and reached Quebec early in October, 1682. He received wise and de- tailed instructions for his guidance in the government of the colony and was especially directed to prevent the disorders caused by the traders and to keep them from fraudulent practices. De la Barre was already old and was animated more by the love of money than by the desire to advance the interests of the colony. He was induced by some of the traders to join in various enterprises. Instead of devoting himself to the organization of the internal affairs of the colony he allowed his advisers to dispatch a trading e.vpedition to Hudson Bay and aided them in sending clandestine trading parties to Albany, to the region of the Mississippi, and the West. In 1684, under pretext of overawing the Iroquois, he took a body of ill-equipped troops as far as Fort Frontenac at the head of Lake Ontario. The troops were in reality intended to be an escort to a trading expedi- tion in which he was interested. Sickness broke out among his soldiers, and he was obliged to make a disgraceful treaty with the Iroquois. De la Barre gave the Iroquois uiu-estricted rights in the region extending towards the country of the Illinois Indians, which de la Salle at that time was on the point of winning for France in spite of all the obstacles that the governor put in his way. Louis XIV heard of the disastrous expedition to Fort Frontenac and recalled do la Barre (10 March, 1685), who did not leave Quebec, however, until the arrival of his suc- cessor, the Marquis de Denonville, in October, 1685. In 1687 de la Barre was again appointed Governor of Cayenne and died three years later.

Hazier Manuscripts; Collection Moreau Saint-Mery, IV: Archives coloniales de France, Series B. IX, X; C, VI, VII; New York Colonial Documents, IX; Parkman, Frontenac and Xew France under Louis XIV, 72-115.

J. Edmond Rot.

Baireira, Balthasar, a Portuguese Jesuit mis." sionary, b. at Lisbon, 1531; d. 1612, on the mission of Angola, south-west coast of Africa, the scene of his life's labours. His literary works consist chiefly of "Relations" wTitten to the superiors of the Society of Jesus, describing the condition of the province with regard to both its political and spiritual aspects. He has recotmted in detail the victorj' of the Span- iards, led by Paul d^ Morales, over an army of native negroes in the year 1583. Accoimts of the conversion of pagan tribes and the baptisms of native kings as well as treatises on the manners and customs of the people are the principal subjects of his writings.

SoMMERvoGEL, Bibl. de la c. de J.. I. 918.

James M. Cotter.

Barrientos, Lopez de, a Spanish Dominican bishop, patriot, and diplomat, b. at Medina del Campo, Kingdom of Leon 1382; d. at Cuenca, 21 May, 1469. He was of noble parentage, and after receiving a liberal education in the University of Salamanca, entered the Dominican Order, in his native town, when about eighteen years of age. After his religious profession, he was again sent to Salamanca for a course of di\-inity. In this he showed extraordinarj' talent and love for study. He soon became known as one of the greatest theo- logians of Spain, and was appointed to the first chair of theology in that famous university. In 1433,