Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 6.djvu/16

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Church History and Sacred Scripture, Mary- Teacher of Philosophy and Church History,

HELP Abbey, Belmont, North Carolina: St. John's College, Brooklytst, New York:

Florilegia; Gregory VII, Saint, Pope. Francis Regis Clet, Blessed.

O'lvANE, MICHAEL M., O.P., Ph.D., S.T.L., Lim- REIINHOLD, GREGOR, Freiburg im Breisgau,

erick, Ireland: Felix of Valois, Saint. Germany': Gorz, Archdiocese of.

OLIGER, LIVARIUS, O.F.M., Lector of Church History, Collegio S. Antonio, Rome: Feuar- dent, Frangois; Francis, Rule of Saint.

OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Professor of the History' of Philosophy, St. John's Univer- sity-, Collegeville, Minnesota: Forster, Fro- benius; Fulbert of Chartres; Fiirstenberg, Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von; Gebhard of Constance; Gemblours; Genebrartl, Gilbert; Gerberon, Gabriel; Gertrude of Aldenberg, Blessed; Gertrude of Hackeborn; Gertrude of Nivelles, Saint; Gil de Albornoz, Alvarez Carillo; Gil of Santarem, Blessed; Gottschalk Qf Orbais; Gott^ weig. Abbey of ; Gregory IX, Pope; Gregory XI, Pope.

OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: Gounod, Charles-Frangois.

PAOLI, FRANCESCO, S.J., Rome: Frances of Rome, Saint; Francis Caracciolo, Saint; Giu- seppe Maria Tommasi, Blessed.

P.\RKINSON, HENRY, S.T.D., Ph.D., Rector, Oscott College, Birmingham, England: Fitter, Daniel.

PERNIN, RAPHAEL, O.S.F.S., Albano-Laziale, It.^^ly: Francis de Sales, iSaint.

REMY, ARTHUR F. J., M.A., Ph.D., Adjunct Pro- fessor of Germanic Philology-, Columbia University-, New York: Feuchtersleben, Ernst von; Flodoard; Friedrich von Hansen; German Literature; Gottfried von Strasburg; Grail, The Holy.

RICIvABY, JOHN, S.J., Professor of Ethics, Stony'hurst College, Blackburn, England: Fortitude.

RITCHIE, JOHN CANON, Diocesan Secret.vry, Glasgow: Glasgow, Archdiocese of.

ROBINSON, PASCHAL, O.F.M., Washington: Fioretti di S. Francesco d'Assisi; Franciscan Order; Francis of Assisi, Saint.

ROCK, P. M. J., Louis\iLLE, Kentucky-: Golden Rose.

ROY, J. EDMOND, Litt.D., F.R.S.C, Officer of the French Academy-, Ottawa, Canada: Fer- land, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine.

RUDGE, FLORENCE MARIE, M.A., Youngs- town, Ohio: Faunt, Lawrence Arthur: Ferndn- dez, Antonio; Fernandez, Juan; Finglow, John, Venerable; Flavian, Saint; Fontbonne, Jeanne; Good Samaritan, Sisters of the.

PHILLIMORE, JOHN SWINNERTON, M.A. RYAN, JOHN A., S.T.D., Professor of Moral (OxoN.), Professor op Humanities, Univer- Theology, St. Paul Seminary', St. Paul,

siTY of Glasgow: Glasgow, University of. Minnesota: Foundling Asylums.

PLASSMAN, THOMAS, O.F.M., Ph.D., S.T.D., Rome: Francis of Fabriano, Blessed; Galatino, Pietro Colonna.

POHLE, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.L., Professor OF Dogmatic Theology, University of Bres- LAu: Grace; Grace, Controversies on.

POLLEN, JOHN HUNGERFORD, S.J., London: Fitzherbert, Thomas; Fitzsimon, Henry; For- teseue, Adrian, Blessed; Freeman, William, Venerable; Frideswide, Saint; Garlick, Nicholas, Venerable; Garnet, Henry; Garnet, Thomas, Venerable; Gerard, John; Gerard, Myles; Ger- ard, Richard; German Gardiner, Blessed; Good- man, John, Venerable; Gordon Riots; Green, Hugh, Venerable.

PONCELET, ALBERT, S.J., Brussels: Gall, Saint.

POOLE, THOMAS H., New York: Fontana, Carlo; Galilei, Alessandro; Gau, Franz Christian ; GauUi, Giovanni Battista.

POPE, HUGH, O.P., Hawkesyard Priory, Ruge- ley, England: Gabriel, Archangel.

POTAMIAN, BROTHER, F.S.C., D.Sc. (London), Professor of Physics, Manhattan College, New York: Gordon, Andrew.

QUINN, STANLEY J., New York: Fremin, James; SCHEID, N., S.J., Stella Matutina College, Feld- Garnier, Julien; Gilbert Islands, Vicariate Apos- kirch, Austria: Geiler von Kaysersberg,

tolic of. Johann.

SALEMBIER, LOUIS, S.T.D., Professor of Church History-, University op Lille: Gerson, Jean le Charlier de.

SALSMANS, JOSEPH, S.J., Professor op Moral Theology and Canon Law, Jesuit College, Louvain: Genicot, Edward; Gobat, George; Gonzalez de Santalla, Thyrsus.

SAUER, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Editor, "Rundschau", Professor of Theology', University' of Frei- burg, Germany: Ferstel, Heinrich Freiherr von; Fontana, Domenico.

SAUVAGE, G. M., C.S.C, S.T.D., Ph.D., Professor OF Dogmatic Theology, Holy' Cross College, Washington: Fideism; Gerdil, Hyacinthe-Sig- ismond; Gratry, August e-Joseph-Alphonse.

SCANNELL, THOMAS B. CANON, S.T.D., Editor, "Catholic Dictionary", Weybridge, Eng- land: Frequent Communion; Gift, Supernatural; Gordian, Roman Emperors; Gratian, Roman Emperor.

SCHAEFER, FRANCIS J., S.T.D., Ph.D., Pro- fessor OF Church History', St. Paul Semi- nary, St. Paul, Minnesota: Gassner, Johann Joseph; Geoffrey of Clairvaux; Geoffrey of Vendome.