Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 6.djvu/17

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SCHIRP, FRANCIS M., Ph.D., Instructor, Loyola School, New York: Germans in the United States.

SCHLAGER, HEINRICH PATRICIUS, Harr,e- VELD, LicHTENVOORDE, HOLLAND: Feller, Fran- gois-Xavier de; Ficker, Julius; Gallandi, Andrea; Gallitzin, Adele .4malie; Gervase of Tilbury; Gfrorer, August Friedrich; Giannone, Pietro; Grandidier, Philippe- Andri^; Gratius, Ortwin.

SCHROEDER, JOSEPH, O.P., Immaculate Con- ception College, Washington: Francis of Vittoria; Franck, Kaspar; Galura, Beruhard; Gazzaniga, Pietro Maria; Gonet, Jean Baptiste; Gratz, Peter Aloys.

SCHUMACHER, MATTHEW, C.S.C, Ph.D., S.T.B., Director of Studies, University of Notre Dajie, Indiana: Ficino, Marsilio.

SCULLY, VINCENT JOSEPH, C.R.L., St. Ives, Cornwall, England: Gerhard of Ziltphen.

SHIPMAN, ANDREW J., M.A., LL.M., New Y'ork: Glagolitic; Greek Catholics in the United States; Greek Orthodox Church in America.

SLATER, T., S.J., St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales: Fraud; Gambling.

SLOANE, THOMAS O'CONOR, M.A., E.M., Ph.D., New York: Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk von.

SMITH, HENRY IGNATIUS, O.P., Washington: Funic, Bartolommeo.

SMITH, JOSEPH H., S.J., Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York: GaUifet, Joseph de.

SMITH, SYDNEY F., S.J., London: Gallwey, Peter.

SOLLIER, JOSEPH FRANCIS, S.M., S.T.D., San Fr.'^.ncisco: Gerbet, Olympe-Philippe; Godet des Marais.

SORTAIS, GASTON, S.J., Assistant Editor, "Etudes", Paris: Gozzoli.

SOUVAY, CHARLES L., CM., LL.B., S.T.D., Ph.D., Professor of Holt Scripture and He- brew, Kenbick Seminary, St. Louis: First- Born; First-Fruits; Fringes; Geography, Bibli- cal.

SPAHN, MARTIN, Ph.D., Professor of Modern History. Universitv of Strasburg: Germany (1556 to 1S71 ; The New Cerman Empire).

SPILLANE, EDW.\RD P., S.J., Associate Editor, "America", New York: Finotti, Joseph; Fisher, Philip.

STEELE, FRANCESCA M., Stroud. Gloucester- shire, England: Flete, William; Gabriel, Brothers of Saint.

STUART, JANET, R.S.H., Superior Vicar, Con- vent of the Sacred He.vrt, Roeh.oipton, London: Galitzin, Elizabeth; Goetz, Marie Josephine; Gramont, Eugenie de.

STUD.ART, GUILHERME, BARAO DE, CearX, Brazil: Fortaleza, Diocese of.

SUAU, PIERRE, S.J., Tournai, Belgium: Francis Borgia, Saint.

THURSTON, HERBERT, S.J., London: Fools, Feast of; Forty Hours' Devotion; FractioPanis; George, Saint.

TIERNEY, JOHN J., M.A., S.T.D., Professor op Scripture and Semitic Studies, Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland: Flagella- tion.

TOKE, LESLIE ALEXANDER ST. LAURENCE, B.A., Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath, England: Flagellants: Fonte-Avellana; Godric I; Godric II.

TONER, PATRICK J., S.T.D., Professor of Dog- matic Theology, St. Patrick's College, May- NooTH, Dublin: Gahan, William; God.

TURNER, WILLIAM, S.T.D., Bishop of Gallo- way, Scotland: Galloway, Diocese of.

TURNER, WILLL\M, B.A., S.T.D., Professor of Logic and the History of Philosophy', Cath- olic University' of Ajierica, W.\shington: Fredegis of Tours; Gerard of Cremona.

URQUHART, FRANCIS FORTESCUE, M.A., Lec- turer IN Modern History, Balliol College, Oxford: Florence of Worcester; Gilbert Foliot.

VAILH^, SIMEON, A.A., Member of the Russian Arch-eological Institute of Constantinople, Professor of Sacred Scripture and History' at the Theological Seminary at Kadi-Keui, Constantinople: Flavias; Flaviopolis; Fogar- as. Archdiocese of: Furni; Fussola; Gabala; Gadara; Gangra; Gargara; Gaza; Gerasa; Ger- manicia; Germanicopolis; Gennia; Gerrha; Gezireh; Gibail and Batrun; Gindarus; Girba; Gordos; Gortyna; Gratianopolis; Greek Church.

VAN CLEEF, AUGUSTUS, New Y'ork: Gegen- bauer, Josef Anton von.

VAN DEN GHEYN, GABRIEL, President of the Historical and Arch.eological Society op Ghent, Secretary of the Provincial Com- mission of Monuments, Inspector of Con- vents, Ghent: Ghent, Diocese of.

VAN DER ESSEN, LfiON, Litt.D., Ph.D., Col- lege DU Pape, Louvain, Belgium: Florence, Council of; Foillan, Saint; Gery, Saint; Ghis- lain, Saint; Gondulphus of Metz; Gondulphus of Tongres; Gondulphus, Saint.

VAN HOVE, A., J.C.D., Professor of Church His- tory and Canon Law, University of Louvain: Ferraris, Lucius; Giraldi, LTbaldo; Gratian, Johannes; Gravina, Giovanni Vincenzo.

VAN ORTROY, FRANCIS, S.J., Brussels: Fran- cis de Geronimo, Saint.

VEALE, JAMES, S.T.D., M.\ndarin, Florida: Florida.

VELLA, ANTONIO, Gozo, Malta: Gozo, Diocese of.

VONIER, ANSCAR, O.S.B., Ph.D., Abbot of Buck- fast, Buckfastleigh, England: Fleury, Ab- bey of.

WALSH, REGINALD, O.P., S.T.D., Rome: Friends of God.

WARD, Mgr. BERNARD, President, St. Ed- mund's College, Ware, England: Flanagan, Thomas.