Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 8.djvu/672

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Ealispel Indians, popularly known under the French name of Pend d'Oreilles, "ear pendants", an important tribe of SaUshan stock originally residing about Pend d'Oreille lake and river, in northern Idaho and north-east Washington, and now gathered chiefly upon Flathead reservation, Montana, and Colville reservation, Washington. They are commonly dis- tinguished as Upper Kalispel, on the lake, and Lower Kahspel, on the river. They are mentioned under the name of Coospellar by the explorers Lewis and Clark, in 1S05, at which time they were in the habit of cross- ing the mountains annually to hunt buffalo on the Missouri. Somewhat later they became acquainted with the Hudson's Bay traders.

In 1844 the work of Christianization was begun by the Jesuit Father Adrian Hoecken, who, four years after the famous Father de Smet had undertaken to carry the Gospel among the Flathead Indians, estal> lished St. Ignatius Mission on the east side of Clark's fork, near the Idaho line in the present Stevens county, Washington. When the Mission of St. Mary, on Bitter Root River, was abandoned in 1850, in consequence of the inroads of the Blackfeet, the St. Ignatius Mission grew in importance. In his official report of the commission to the north-western tribes in 1S5.3, Governor Isaac Stevens gives an ex- tended account of Saint Ignatius, of which he says: " It would be difficult to find a more beautiful exam- ple of successful missionary labours." The mission was discontinued in 1855, but in the meantime other Jesuit missions had sprung up, and not only the Kal- ispel, but also the kindred Colvilles, Lakes, Okanagan, and Flatheads were completely Christianized. In 1855 the Upper band joined with the Flatheads and part of the Kutenai in a treaty with the government by which they were settled on the Flathead reserva- tion in Montana, where some of the Lower band joined them in 1887. In 1872 a part of the Lower band was gathered upon the Colville reservation in W^ashing- ton. Still others are scattered in various parts of W^ashington and Idaho. Lewis and Clark estimated the tribe at 1600 souls in 1805. In 1908 there were officially reported 670 " Pend d'Oreilles " (Upper band) and 192 "Kafispel" (Lower band) on the Flathead reservation, Montana, and 98 "Kahspel" on Colville reservation, Washington, making, vdth a few not ac- counted for, a total of about 1000 souls.

The mission work on both reservations is still in charge of the Jesuits, and is recognized by all observers as in the highest degree successful as regards reUgious observance, general morality, and self-supporting in- dustry. The fathers are assisted at the Flathead mis- sion (St. Ignatius) by Sisters of Providence, Ursulines, and Lamennais Brothers, and at the Colville mission (St. Francis Regis; Ward P. O.) by Sisters of Charity of Providence. 'The principal industries now are farming and stock raising, with fishing and the gath- ering of edible roots. The earlier more primitive habit of fife is thus summarized in an official report of 1870 upon the non-treaty tribes of north-east- ern Washington, now gathered on Cohdlle reserva- tion : —

"The habits and manner of living of the tribes in this district are nearly similar. They live mostly in lodges and move from place to place where they can most easily procure subsistence. In the spring, after they put in their crops, they go to the Spokane coun- try to dig cause, bitter-root and wild onion. The first two they dry in the sun; the wild onion they mix with the black moss and bake under hot stones. About the middle of May they collect at the several camas grounds, which root'(resembling an onion, is sweet and insipid) they dig and prepare as follows: They make a bed six or eight feet in diameter, of smooth stones, on which they Ijuilrl a fire; when the stones are red hot they remove the fire and cover them with green grass two or three inches deep on which they place the

camas six to twelve inches deep, and over which they spread green grass; then cover aU with earth about six inches deep, on which they build a fire and keep it up from twentj'-four to forty-eight hours, according to the amount in the kiln; after being baked it is taken out and dried in the sun. Being thus prepared it will keep for years, and is both nutritious and palatable. Before baking it is wliite; after, black. There are several camas prairies in tliis district, but the largest is Kalispel on the Pend d'Oreille river, at which place hundreds of bushels are dug and prepared for winter's use every year. About 1 July the Indians collect from far and near at Kettle Falls, where they catch their annual supply of salmon which they dry in the shade. They also gather and dry service berries and choke cherries, all of which they store for the winter. While at the falls they attend religious services at. the mission three times a day. After they harvest their crops they go into the mountains, hunting and trap- ping, where they remain until a week before Christ- mas, when they go to the traders and exchange their furs for supphes. After attending to their religious devotions they return to the mountains about the middle of January, where they remain until spring, when they return to put in their crops" (Winans).

Lewis and Clark, Original Journals, VI (New York, 1905); RoNAN, Flathead Nation (Helena, 1890); Shea, Catholic Mis- sions (New York, 1854) ; De Smet, Oregon Missions (New York, 1847); Idem, Western Missions and Missionaries (New York, 1S6.3); Idem, New Indian Sketches (New York, 1895); Stevens in Rept. Comr. Ind. Affairs (Washington. 1854); Winans in Rept. Comr. Ind. Affairs (Washington. 1870); also other Repts. Comr. Ind. .iff.i. and Director of Bureau of Catholic Ind, mis- sions (Washington).

James Moonby.

Kalisz-Cujavia. See Wladislaw, Diocese of.

Kalocsa-Bacs, .Archdiocese of (Colocensis et Bachhcnsis). — This archdiocese embraces within its territories an archdiocese and a diocese founded liy St. Stephen of Hungary in 1010. The question of the foundation of, and of the relations between, Kalocsa and Bacswas for a long time uncertain. George Fe- jer was of opinion tliat St. Stephen founded Kalocsa and Bacs as independent sees, and that subsequently St. Ladislaus rai.sed Bacs to archiepiscopal rank in 1093, and united it with Kalocsa. Stephen Katona, on the other hand, held that the Archbishopric of Bacs was founded by St. Ladislaus in 1093 by division of the Archbishopric of Kalocsa, the two archdioceses being after\\'ards reunited in 1135. To Julius Vdrosy we are indeljted for the solution of the question: he shows that the Archdiocese of Bacs never existed as an inde- pendent see, but that the archbishops of Kalocsa for various reasons changed then residence from time to time to Bacs, so that eventually there arose in this town an independent chapter with its own cathedral, etc. In 1135 the union of Kalocsa and Bacs was ca- nonically confirmed, the chapter at Bacs was raised to archiepiscopal rank, and it was decided that in future the election of an archbishop should rest with the united chapters, but should be held in some third lo- cality. It was also decided that the name of the arch- diocese should be Kalocsa-Bacs. Bacs remained the residence of the archbishops, and likewise their burial- place, until 1526, when after the battle of Mohdcs it fell into the handsof the Turks. When first established the archdiocese was very extensive. It embraced the lands between the Danube and the Theiss from Dom- sod, which is situated to the south of Vacz (Waitzen), southwards as far as Titel, including also within its territories a portion of Syrmia. As early as 1229 it suffered its first diminution of territory, when Syrmia was formed into a separate diocese.

The history of the archdiocese and the archbishops of Kalocsa-Bacs is closely interwoven with that of Hungary. The first was Astrik, who later appears as Archliishop of Gran. It is not quite clear whether the title of archbishop was personal to Astrik,