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a fight there was hardly any chance of any immediate result except the expenditure of powder and shot.

At last the Mussalmans left their protections, and with sword and spear they rushed with a yell on Amyatt’s boat. The determined Englishmen were nothing daunted.

Amyatt, Galstaun and Johnson took up their muskets, deliberately aimed from their boat at the rapidly descending Mussalmans and fired; and all with the surest execution. Every one of them laid a Mussalman prostrate on the sand at each shot.

By this time, like waves upon waves, parties of Mussalmans began to descend. Then Amyatt said, “By no earthly means can we save ourselves, come let us end our lives with pagan blood.”

The enemy had in the meantime, got into Amyatt’s boat. The three Englishmen pressed close together and fired simultaneously. The Mussalmans who had entered the boat were scattered and fell into the water as if riven by a trident.

They now began to pour into the boat in still larger numbers. Some hammered at the bottom with heavy clubs, and as it gave way, the water gurgled in, gradually filling up the hold.

Then addressing his companions Amyatt said, “Why suffer ourselves to be drowned like cows and sheep? Come, let us go out and die like heroes, sword in hand.”

Now the three intrepid Englishmen sallied forth sword in hand, and took their stand before countless Mussalmans. One of the enemy saluting Amyatt with a low bow said, “Why should you die? Surrender and follow us.”

“Yes, we are determined to die,” said Amyatt. "If we die here to-day, it will kindle such a flame in India