Page:Charles Lee Papers 1873 Vol 3.djvu/18

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Major-General Lord STIRLING, President.

Brigadier-General SMALLWOOD, Colonel SWIFT, Brigadier-General POOR, Colonel WIGGLESWORTH, Brigadier-General WOODFORD, Colonel ANGEL, Brigadier-General HUNTINGDON, Colonel CLARKE, Colonel IRVINE, S Colonel WILLIAMS, Colonel SHEPHARD, Colonel FEBIGER,

John Laurance [Lawrence] Judge Advocate.

THE Judge Advocate produces the General's Orders for the Court to set, which being read, are as follow:

Head-Quarters, Spotswood, July 1, 1778.

A GENERAL Court Martial, whereof Lord Stirling is appointed President, will set in Brunswick to-morrow, (the hour and place to be appointed by the President,) for the trial of Major-General Lee. Brigadier-Generals Sniallwood, Poor, Woodford, and Huntingdon, and Colonels Grayson, Johnson, Wigglesworth, Febiger, Swift, Angel, Clarke, and Williams, are to attend as Members.

Head-quarters Brunswick July 2, 1778.

THE General Court Martial ordered to set this day for the trial of Major-General Lee, will set to-morrow at eight o'clock, at the house of Mr. Voorhees, in the town of New-Brunswick. Members the same as yesterday, except Colonel Shephard vice Colonel Johnson. Vol. III.— 1