Page:Charles Lee Papers 1873 Vol 3.djvu/19

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Head-Quarters, July 3, 1778.

THE General Court Martial, whereof Major-General Lord Stirling is President, will assemble to-morrow morning, at the time and place mentioned in yesterday's orders. Members the same as heretofore mentioned, except Colonel Irvine vice Colonel Grayson.

JULY 4th.

The President, Members, and Judge Advocate being sworn: The Judge Advocate prosecuting in the name of the United States of America, the Court proceed to the trial of Major-General Lee, who appears before the Court, and the following charges are exhibited against him:

First: For disobedience of orders, in not attacking the enemy on the 28th of June, agreeable to repeated instructions.

Secondly: For misbehaviour before the enemy on the same day, making an unnecessary, disorderly, and shameful retreat.

Thirdly: For disrespect to the Commander-in-Chief, in two letters dated the 1st of July and the 28th of June.

Major-General Lee pleads Not Guilty.

Brigadier-General Scott being sworn:

Q. Did you hear General Washington give General Lee any orders the 27th of June?

A. I was sent for to Head Quarters early in the afternoon of the 27th of June. I heard General Washington say in presence of General Lee, the Marquis de la Fayette, General Maxwell, and myself, that he intended to have the enemy attacked the next morning, or words to that effect, by the troops under the command of General Lee; and he desired General Lee to call the general officers together that afternoon to concert some mode of attack. General Lee. appointed the time at half-past five, but before the officers met General Lee had rode out. I fell in with General Lee that evening, and told