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changeable prieſthood." Now my text is drawn from this concluſion, namely, that Chriſt abideth a prieſt continually: "Wherefore he is able alſo to ſave to the uttermoſt them that come unto God by him ſeeing he ever liveth to make interceſſion for them."

In the words, I take notice of four things.

1. Of the Interceſſion of Chriſt: "He maketh interceſſion."

2. Of the benefit of his interceſſion "Wherefore he is able alſo to ſave to the uttermoſt," &c.

3. We have alſo here ſet before us. the perſons intereſted in this interceſſion of Chriſt, and they are thoſe "that come unto God by him."

4 We have alſo here the certainty of their reaping this benefit by him to wit, "Seeing he ever liveth to make interceſſion for them. —— "Wherefore he is able to ſave them to the utter moſt, that come into God by him ſeeing he ever liveth to make interceſſion for them.

1. We will begin with his interceſſion, and will ſhew you,

1. What it is.

2. For what he intercedes. And,

3 What is alſo to be inferred from Chriſt's

making interceſſion for us.

1. I