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1. I begin then with the firſt that is, To ſhew you what interceſſion i. Interceſſion is prayer; but all prayer is not interceſſion.——

Interceſſion, then is that prayer that is made by a third perſon about the concerns that are between two: And it may be made either to ſet them at a farther difference or to make them friends; for interceſſion may be made againſt, as well a for a perſon or people: "Wot ye not what the Scripture faith of Elias how he made interceſſion to God againſt Iſrael?" But the interceſſion that we are now to ſpeak of is not an interceſſion againſt but an interceſſion for a people: "He ever liveth to make interceſſion for them." The highprieſts were ordained for, and not to be againſt the people: "Every high prieſt taken from among men is ordained for men, in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the ſins of the people;" or that he may offer both gifts and ſacrifices for ſin. This, then, is interceſſion: and the interceſſion of Chriſt is to be between two, between God and man, for man's good And,

2 It extendeth itſelf unto theſe:

1ſt. To pray that the elect may be brought all home to him, that is, to God.

2dly To pray that their ſins committed after converſion, may be forgiven them.

3dly To pray that their graces which they receive at converſion, may be maintained and ſupplied,

4thly, To