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virtuous, ſober and godly people to be your ordinary companions: Such a man as ye would be, draw you to like company. Prov. xxii. 24. Pſ cxix. 63.

Exh. 19. Lead a holy and religious life, walking ſincerely according to the righteous commands of God: Set the Lord always before your face; content not yourſelves with a bare form, and outward ſhew of godlineſs without the power of it; but be intirely holy in all your ways. 1 Pet. i. 15, 16. 2 Tim. iii. 5.

Exh. 20. Be good in all relations; not only a good Chriſtian in general, that daily reads, and prays, and runs to preachings and communions; but be a good huſband; a good wife; be a dutiful parent, and an obedient child; be a righteous maſter, and a diligent and honeſt ſervant; be a good peaceable neighbour, wronging nobody either with tongue or hands; thus be good and godly in all relations and capacities. Rom. xii. 28. Col. iii. 18,—24.

Exh. 21. Be ſtrong in the grace that is in Chriſt; be not ſatisfied with ſmall meaſures of grace; uſe all fit and proper means for growing in grace, and keeping it in lively exerciſe; without the exerciſe of grace, ye can do