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nothing to purpoſe either in performing duties, ſubduing corruptions, bearing afflictions, or reſiſting temptations, &c. Have a care of ſpiritual ſloth, unwatchfulneſs: daily make uſe of Chriſt for quickening and increaſing your graces. John i. 16. 2 Pet. 1, 5,—9. 2 Pet. iii. 18.

Exh. 22. Airth and fix your affections right: Love not the world, nor any earthly comfort immoderately: Give your heart's love to precious Chriſt above all things, who is only worthy of your chief deſires. Col. iii. 1, 2. 1 John ii. 15. Mat. xvii. 37.

Exh. 23. Be not vain or proud of any temporal thing: neither of riches, honour, beauty, ſtrength of body, parts nor gifts of mind, nay not of grace itſelf; all earthly poſſeſſions and goods are uncertain, vain, and liable to innumerable chances, and changes. Eccl. i. 2,14.

Exh. 24. Be moderate in all things: in your judgement of yourſelves, and opinion of others: be moderate in eating, that you be not gluttonous; in drinking, that it be not to exceſs; in apparel, that ye be not prodigal; in your houſe-keeping, that ye ſtretch not either beyond your rank or ability;