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III. Have an eye to Chriſt in every thing ye read; for he is the end, ſcope and ſubſtance of the whole Bible; and every thing in it is reducible to him.

IV. Mark the ſpecial paſſages of the word, either theſe that are moſt important in themſelves, or moſt applicable to you. Mark the duties enjoined, and ſins forbidden, with the promiſes to the one, and threatening againſt the other: Faſten theſe upon your memories, and hide them in your hearts. Meditate on them, and pray that God may keep them in your minds, ready for uſe againſt the time of need. There are ſundry evangelical laws and precepts in the word of God which you ſhould obſerve; as, believing in God, doing all religious exerciſes in his name, depending upon his merits, grace, and interceſſion; looking only for acceptance in him; a perſuaſion of the neceſſity and uſefulneſs of his offices, as Mediator, Prophet, Prieſt, and King: An apprehenſion of your own ignorance, guilt, weakneſs, miſery, and nothingneſs without Chriſt, a relying on him in all his offices. We alſo ſhould remark concerning the Spirit, that he