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is a Spirit of conviction, illumination, prayer, holineſs, conduct, comfort, and ſealing: So we would accept of his help, cheriſh his motions, and influences.

V. Conſider the worth and excellence of the word, and how ſuitable it is to any ſtate and condition we may be in. It is a rich mine of heavenly pleaſures, a ſtore-houſe of all ſpiritual conſolation; a common ſhop of medicines for the ſoul, full of rich privileges, promiſes, and large legacies to the people of God: It is a ſtaff and ſtay to the old, an ornament and guide to the young. In the word of God, we read the love which God bears to his children from all eternity, and will continue to have for them, when time shall be no more. Here are found the leaves of the tree of life, which God hath ordained for the healing of the nations. In a word, here is the true judge of controverſies, a hammer for hereticks, a touch-ſtone for doctrine, a rule for our lives, a comforter and counſellor in this houſe of our pilgrimage: a ſovereign cordial in all our souls' diſtreſſes; David found it ſo to his ſweet experience, Pſalm cxix. 50. This is my comfort in my