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afflictions, for thy word hath quickened me. O! how excellent is the word, and who can ſet forth all its excellency? It is a glaſs to diſcover our ſpots, a lamp to guide us in the dark, a fire to warm our cold affections, a magazine to ſupply us with armour against our ſpiritual enemies. Here are ſuitable cordials for all our various caſes; be it deſertion, temptation, poverty, ſickneſs, reproach or perſecution; here is the heavenly rain, for making ſoft and tender hearts, here is meat for ſtrong men, and milk for babes, which, through the divine bleſſing, will be both food and physic to our ſouls.

It is ſurely the Chriſtian's duty, to read and meditate much on God's most excellent word, and that with pleaſure and delight; the child delights to read his father's will and teſtament, and ſee what is bequeathed to him; citizens delight to read their charters, to ſee their privileges; the malefactor acquitted, delights to read his pardon; and the prodigal that is received into favour, delights to read the affectionate letters of his father to him: Then if ye are received into favour, and born