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ſacrament of the Lord's Supper, but ere you venture on that holy ordinance, prepare carefully by examining yourſelves anent your ſoul's ſtate and condition, try if you be in a holy, humble, lively, and tender frame; penitently mourn over your ſins: reſolve upon amendment and newneſs of life; renew your perſonal covenant, and uſe the ſacrament as a ſeal of it; ſerve a bill of divorce againſt all your idols and ſtrange lovers, that have courted and carried your affections off Chriſt; hunger and thirſt for cloſe communion with him: in the act of communicating watch narrowly over your treacherous hearts, that they gad and go not aſtray from the Lord. And after you have communicated, try what good ye have gotten, let it appear in your after walk, that ye have been with Jeſus, feaſting with him, and upon him. 1 Cor. xi. 26.

Exh. 12. Remember the ſabbath-day, to keep it holy, not only by public worſhip, but by religious duties in your families, and in ſecret: put away all vain, impertinent, and earthly thoughts; talk not of worldly affairs, neither do any worldly buſineſs, but what works of mercy and neceſſity