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may call you to; miſpend no part of the Lord's day, either in idle diſcourſe, loitering at home, or unneceſſary walking in the fields. Ex. xx. 8,—11.

Exh. 13. Look on ſin to be the worſt thing in the world, as being defiling to your conſciences, miſchievous and damnable both to ſoul and body; and which is worſt of all, diſhonourable and diſpleaſing to the great God of heaven. Jer. ii. 19.

Exh. 14. Shun and reſiſt temptations, be ſtill upon your guard, watching over your deceitful hearts, keeping the door of your lips, and being circumſpect in all your ways; you are encompaſſed about on all hands with ſnares and temptations. Mat. xxvi. 41. Prov. vi. 23. Pſal. xxxix. 1, 2. Eph. v. 15. 1 Pet. v. 8, 9.

Exh. 15. Daily repent of ſin: you are daily ſinning in thought, word and deed, for which уe ſhould every evening take an account of yourſelves; and what faults you find ye are guilty of, confeſs them, mourn over them, reſolve, by God's grace, not to do the like again: have a care your repentance prove not ſighing and going backward: more over, not only repent of your own