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there to be holden, and to have such fees and diets as any such former Chief Justice there hath had belonging to the said place, with a yearly increase and allowance from us of such further certain fee as may yearly, with the certain fee formerly by us allowed for the same place of Chief Justice, make up fully the yearly sum of £300 sterling, over and above the casual fees incident to the same office of Chief Justice; wherefore these are to will and command you, not only to accept of the said Robert Gardiner accordingly, and to take order for the placing of him in the said room of Chief Justice for pleas before us to be holden in our said realm of Ireland, in such sort as hath heretofore been accustomed, but also to give order to our treasurer at war there for the time being to pay to the said Robert Gardiner the said fee of £300 out of our revenues there, or out of such our treasure as shall be assigned from hence for our service in that realm, his said allowance to begin from the 10 January last, and to be paid quarterly by even portions, and these shall be as well to you as to our said treasurer sufficient warrant in that behalf; moreover, we think it convenient, and do authorize him the said Robert Gardiner, to have an oversight and superintendency of all proceedings in our Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, and in either of them, and to examine the course of the proceedings of the said courts, and of the wants, abuses, and defects there found to make to you and our Council there certifi-