Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/109

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cate and true report, so as thereby reformation may be had according to the wisdom and discretion of our said Council. And for the better execution of this our service, our will and pleasure is, and we do expressly will and command all and singular our Judges, Barons, officers and ministers whatsoever in the said courts, and in either of them, that they and every of them shall admit the said Robert Gardiner at all times, and from time to time, to have access and place to view and understand the proceedings and doings in the said courts, and also at his liberty and pleasure, from time to time to view the records, actions, processes, and proceedings in the said courts, and in either of them, for his more perfect instruction, and the better enabling him in our said courts. In all which the premises, in case any resistance shall happen to be by any person offered to the said Robert Gardiner, our pleasure and commandment is, that you, or our Chief Governor of that realm for the time being, be aiding and assisting to him; and we will also, that you cause to be made unto the said Robert Gardiner a commission to pass under the Great Seal of that realm of Ireland, to do and execute all things in our said Courts of Conmmon Pleas and Exchequer, according to our pleasure herein in that behalf expressed and contained, and these our letters shall be your and our Chancellor s sufficient warrant in that behalf. And for the better countenance and credit of the said Robert Gardiner in our said service, we think