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sure.—39 Eliz. 2a pare f. R. 18.—Continued,—Privy Seal, Holyrood House, 28 March,—patent, 20 April, 1603.—Pleasure.—1 James I. 1a pare f. R. 5.

Sir Dominick Saarsfield, Knt., (afterwards Viscount Kilmallock,) Second Justice of the King's Bench,—in reveraion after Walshe,—Privy Seal, 21 June,—patent, Duhlin, 28 Nov. 1a 10.—Pleasure.—The King having received so good testimony from the Lord Deputy Chichester, and other his officers and servants in Ireland, of the sufficiency and painful endeavours in his service, of Sir Dominick Saarefield, Knt., and of his conformity in religion, and sincere affection in the cause of his Majesty's government there, as he could not but take notice of it, and for his further encouragement afford him some extraordinary mark of his favour, by 3delding to the motion which had been made in his behalf, that he might succeed Sir Nicholas Walshe as soon as his post of Chief Justice should become void.—8 James I. 2a pars d. R. 13.

Sir Dominick Saarsfield, Knt.,—Walshe deceased,—Privy Seal, Newmarket, 28 Nov. 1615.—patent, Jan. 1616.—Pleasure. — 13 James I. 3a pars f. R. 37.—Continued,—patent, 13 April, 1625.—Pleasure.—1 Charles I. f. R. 31.

Sir Gerard Lowther, Knt., Sergeant-at-Law in England,—Saarefield deprived by sentence in the Court of Star Chamber in England,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 13 March,—patent, 24 April, 1634.—10