Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/141

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August, 1461.—Life.—By writ of Privy Seal, and authority of Parliament.—Sworn 14 April, 1462.—1 Edw. IV. f. R. 8.

Philip Bermingham,—patent, 25 June, 1464.—4 Edw. IV.

Thomas Bowryng,—patent, 3 Oct. 1496.—12 Hen. VII. d. R. 1.

Richard Delahyde,—vice Robert Dowdall,—patent, 22 August, 1532, (24.)—Pleasure.—Fee, £40 Irish.—His fee of £40 Irish to be thus paid; viz. £20 out of the fee farm of the City of Dublin, and £20 out of the issues and revenues of the Counties of Dublin, Meath, and Louth, and as Robert Dowdall had held it, which office the said Dowdall lately held by the King's grant.—24, 25 Hen. VIII. f. R. 6.

Thomas Luttrell, of Luttrellstown, county of Dublin,—Delahyde revoked,—patent, 17 Oct. 1534.—Life.—26 Hen. VIII. f. R. 5.

Sir Thomas Luttrell, Knt.,—continued,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 24 March, 1547.—Behaviour.—Fee, £45 English.—1 Edw. VI. 1a pars d. R. 11.—Continued,—patent, Dublin, 16 Nov. 1553,—Behaviour.—By commission dated at Westminster, 3 Oct. 1553, the Lord Chancellor Cusake was authorized and commanded to take his surrender of King Edward's patent, and to make out a new patent to him during behaviour, with an increase of his fee of £45.—1 Mary, 1a pars f. R. 5, 7.

John Bathe, Sergeant at Law,—Luttrell deceased,