Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/351

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Marlborough, Earl of; see Ley.
Marshall, R., 132, 197.
Martia, P., 130.
Mayne, E., 112, 134.
Meath, Alexander, Bp. of, 8.
Meath, Arthur, Bp. of, 39.
Meath, Edward, Earl of, 37.
Meath, John, Bp. of, 39.
Meath, William, Bp. of, 40.
Meones, N., 98.
Merbury, Sir L., 9, 10, 11.
Menryn, Sir A., 187.
Metge, P., 160, 201.
Methuen, J., 37, 38.
Methwold, Sir W., 26, 141.
Middleton, Viscount; see Brodrick.
Mitchell, H., 114, 135, 161.
Molesworth, R., Viscount, 39.
Moore, A., 134, 192, 202.
Morice, J., 2.
Mortimer, Sir T. de, 80.
Mountjoy, W., Viscount, 39.
Mountney, R., 159.


Nagle, Sir R., 167.
Napper, Sir R., 138.
Nash, J. H. del, 97.
Neave, W., 188, 196.
Netterville, L., 102.
Nevile, R., 1.
Norbury, Earl of; see Toler.
Northalis, R., 7.
Norwich, R., Bp. of, 1.
Nugent, N., in, 151, 173.
Nugent, T., (Lord Riverston,) 94, 107.
Nutley, R., 109.


O'Connell, D., 205.
Oglethorpe, R., 152.
O'Grady, S., (Viscount Guillamore,) 48, 49, 50, 145, 170.
O'Loghlen, Sir M., 79, 161, 171, 181, 200, 203.
O'Neile, Sir B., 107.
Osbaldeston, R., 167.
Osbaldestone, O., 104.
Osborne, C, 112.
Osborne, J., 187, 188, 194.
Outlawe, R., 2.


Packenham, Sir T., 188, 196.
Palmer, P., 125.
Parker, J., 57.
Parnell, J., 109.
Parsons, Sir L., 153.
Parsons, Sir W., 29.
Patterson, M., 122, 179, 198, 200.
Payne, J., 64.
Pelham, Sir E., 26, 138, 140.
Pembroke, J., 148.
Penkeston, J., 99.
Penkeston, W., 99.
Pennefather, E., 181, 192, 200, 203.
Pennefather, R., 161.
Penros, J., 81.
Pepys, R., 31, 90.
Perrin, L., 113, 171, 203.
Petyt, W., 182.
Phillpott, J., 127.
Phipps, Sir C, 38.
Pigot, D. R., 182.
Plunket, A., 15.