Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/352

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Plunket, J., 84.
Plunket, Lord, 50, 51, 122, 170, 171,181,205.
Plunket, R., 7,81, 183.
Plunket, T., 83, 185.
Pucklington, J., 158, 159.
Poer, R.le, 114, 145.
Ponsonby, G., 46.
Porter, Sir C, 36. .
Povey, J., 93, 155.
Power, R., 159.
Preston, Sir Robert, 114, 123, 182.
Preston, Roger de, 97.
Prowde, L., 104.
Purdon, H., 197.
Pyne, Sir R., 36, 94, 120.


Ranelagh, C, Viscount, 40.
Rede, Richard, 8, 136.
Rede, Sir Richard, 20.
Rednesse, J. de, 80, 97.
Redesdale, J., Lord, 45.
Reynell, Sir R., 94, 107, 194.
Reynolds, J., 121.
Rice, Sir S., 142, 157.
Richards, J., 161, 171,181.
Rigby, R., 74.
Robinson, C, 110.
Robinson, G., 125.
Rochfort, Sir R., 36, 143, 168.
Rogerson, J., 94, 95, I6a
Rokeby, W., 15, 16.
Rose, U., 109.
Rowe, P., 82.
Russell, B., 102.
Ryves, Sir R., 36, 158, 195.
Ryves, Sir W., 106, 165, 167.


Saarsfield, Sir D., (Viscount Kilmarnock,) 104, 118.
Sambach, Sir W., 177, 194.
Sanctafide, A. de, 1.
Santhey, J., 90, 154.
Santry, Lord ; see Barry.
Saunders, M., 188, 196.
Saunders, R., 188.
Saurin, W., 170, 205.
Saxey, W., 103.
Scott, J., (Earl of Clonmel,) 42, 96, 169, 179, 191.
Scott, W., 110, 159,189.
Scurloke, B., 162.
Segrave, (or Sydegrove,) R., 136.
Segrave, Richard, 151.
Segrave, P., 151.
Shapcott, R., 177.
Sherwood, W., 15.
Shorthalls, T., 149.
Shriggeley, J., 81, 148.
Shurley, Sir G., 88, 89.
Shute, J., (Viscount Barrington,) 72.
Sibthorpe, Sir C, 104, 105.
Singleton, H., 73, 121, 189.
Skipwith, W. de, 80.
Smith, Sir E., 119.
Smith, J., 130.
Smith, Sir M., 77, 160.
Smith, Sir W. C, 160, 180.
Smyth, G., 159.
Smythes, J., 174.
Snagg, T., 163.
Somerton, E., 185.
Sothern, J., 99.
Sptfrke, W., 104.
Stanley, E., 191, 202.
Stannard, E., 189.