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The laboratory's submitted protocol (Ex. A, Tab 9, § 4.2) states: "If the verification is performed by the vendor, the laboratory is involved in all aspects of the verification and the final verification documentation is reviewed and signed off by the Laboratory Director." We were unable to determine what specific aspects of the method verification the laboratory would be performing or if vendors would continue to perform method verifications. The submitted protocol included form CL FRM-00022-Fl, Verification Results (Ex. A, Tab 9), which appears to be pre-signed by the laboratory director. We were unable to determine if the laboratory director will "review and sign off" on each method verification.

We note that in the laboratory's submission related to test performance specifications for the Advia XPT instrument, it was the laboratory's policy to accept %CV values that were up to 1.5 times the %CV values stated by the instrument manufacturer for any given chemistry analyte. In the submission, we found no explanation as to why 1.5 times the manufacturer's %CV was acceptable to the laboratory. We also note that the submitted re-verification of test performance specifications did not follow the submitted protocol for test verification; therefore, we could not determine if the re-verifications were adequate or how the laboratory determined if patients were affected or potentially affected.

The laboratory failed to adequately address this deficiency and provide acceptable evidence of correction consisting of the required documentation and information set forth above and in our January 25, 2016 letter.

Finding #2
Although the laboratory's submitted protocol (Ex. A, Tab 9) included a method verification procedure which addressed verification of accuracy, precision, and reportable range, the laboratory provided no documentation showing that this protocol had been followed to re-verify performance specifications. The submission also stated: "Before the lab resumes any test on the Advia XPT, the lab will ensure that the test has been re-verified pursuant to the lab's improved method verification procedures that have been approved by the laboratory director." The completion date for the correction of this deficiency was indicated on the submitted Allegation of Compliance as February 12, 2016, which, in order to determine correction, should include the re-verification documentation for the Advia XPT. However, the laboratory provided no documentation that the re-verification had been performed.

We note that in the laboratory's submission related to test performance specifications for the Advia XPT instrument it was the laboratory's policy to accept %CV values that were up to 1.5 times the %CV values stated by the instrument manufacturer for any given chemistry analyte. In the submission, we found no explanation as to why 1.5 times the manufacturer's %CV was acceptable to the laboratory. We also found no explanation as how "normal patient distribution" related to determining if patients were affected or potentially affected.

In addition, the laboratory's submission (Ex. B, various analyte tabs) states: "Matrix comparisons done by the manufacturer between serum and plasma showed correlation." No documentation was submitted supporting this statement.