Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 10.djvu/119

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Name Residence  Appointed
William H. Crawford Ga. 1817
Richard Rush Pa. 1825
Samuel D. Ingham Pa. 1829
Louis McLane Del. 1831
William J. Duane Pa. 1833
Roger B. Taney Md. 1833
Levi Woodbury N. H. 1834
Levi Woodbury N. H. 1837
Thomas Ewing Ohio 1841
Thomas Ewing Ohio 1841
Walter Forward Pa. 1841
John C. Spencer N. Y. 1843
George M. Bibb Ky. 1844
Robert J. Walker Miss. 1845
William M. Meredith Pa. 1849
Thomas Corwin Ohio 1850
James Guthrie Ky. 1853
Howell Cobb Ga. 1857
Philip F. Thomas Md. I860
John A. Dix N. Y. 1861
Salmon P. Chase Ohio 1861
Williaim P. Fessenden  Me. 1864
Hugh McCulloch Ind. 1865
Hugh McCulloch Ind. 1865
George S. Boutwell Mass. 1869
Wm. A. Richardson Mass. 1873
Benjamin H. Bristow Ky. 1874
Lot M. Morrill Me. 1876
John Sherman Ohio 1877
William Windom Minn. 1881
Charles J. Folger N. Y. 1881
Walter Q. Gresham Ind. 1884
Hugh McCulloch Ind. 1884
Daniel Manning N. Y. 1885
Charles S. Fairchild N. Y. 1887
William Windom Minn. 1889
Charles Foster Ohio 1891
John G. Carlisle Ky. 1893
Lyman J. Gage Ill. 1897
Leslie M. Shaw Iowa 1902
George B. Cortelyou N. Y. 1907
Franklin MacVeagh Ill. 1909
William G. McAdoo N. Y. 1913
Carter Glass Va. 1918
David P. Houston Mo. 1920
Andrew W. Mellon Pa. 1921

Name Residence  Appointed
Henry Knox Mass. 1789
Timothy Pickering Mass. 1795
James McHenry Md. 1796
James McHenry Md. 1797
John Marshall Va. 1800
Samuel Dexter Mass. 1800
Roger Griswold Conn. 1801
Henry Dearborn Mass. 1801
William Eustis Mass. 1809
John Armstrong N. Y. 1813
James Monroe Va. 1814
William H. Crowford Ga. 1815
Isaac Shelby Ky. 1817
Geo. Graham (ad in.) Va. 1817
John C. Calhoun S. C. 1817
James Barbour Va. 1825
Peter B. Porter N. Y. 1828
John H. Eaton Tenn. 1829
Lewis Cass Ohio 1831
Benjamin F. Butler N. Y. 1837
Joel R. Poinzett S. C. 1837
John Bell Tenn. 1841
John Bell Tenn. 1841
John McLean Ohio 1841
John C. Spencer N. Y. 1841
James M. Porter Pa. 1843
William Wilkins Pa. 1844
William L. Marcy N. Y. 1845
George W. Crawford Ga. 1849
Edward Bates Mo. 1850
Charles M. Conrad La. 1850
Jefferson Davis Miss. 1853
John B. Floyd Va. 1857
Joseph Holt Ky. 1861
Simon Cameron Pa. 1861
Edwin M. Stanton Ohio 1862
Edwin M. Stanton Ohio 1865
U. S. Grant (ad in.) Ill. 1867
Lorenzo Thomas (ad in.)  D. C. 1868
John M. Schofield N. Y. 1868
John A. Rawlins Ill. 1869
William T. Sherman Ohio 1869
William W. Belknap Iowa 1869
Alphonso Taft Ohio 1876
James Donald Cameron Pa. 1876
George W. McCrary Iowa 1877
Alexander Ramsey Minn. 1879
Robert T. Lincoln Ill. 1881
Robert T. Lincoln Ill. 1881
William C. Endicott Mass. 1885
Redfield Proctor Vt. 1889
Stephen B. Elkins W. Va. 1891
Daniel S. Lamont N. Y. 189S
Russell A. Alger Mich. 1897
Elihu Root N. Y. 1899
William H. Taft Ohio 1904
Luke E. Wright Tenn. 1908
Jacob M. Dickinson Tenn. 1909
Henry L. Stimson Ill. 1911
Lindley M. Garrison N. J. 1913
Newton D. Baker Ohio 1916
John W. Weeks Mass. 1921

Name Residence  Appointed
Thomas Ewing Ohio 1849
James A. Pearce Md. 1850
Thos. M. T. McKernon Pa. 1850
Alexander H. H. Stuart  Va. 1850
Robert McClelland Mich. 1853
Jacob Thompson Miss. 1857
Caleb B. Smith Ind. 1861
John P. Usher Ind. 1863
John P. Usher Ind. 1865
James Harlan Iowa 1865
Orville H. Browning Ill. 1866
Jacob D. Cox Ohio 1869
Columbus Delamo Ohio 1870
Zachariah Chandler Mich. 1875
Carl Schurz Mo. 1877
Samuel J. Kirkwood Iowa 1881
Henry M. Teller Col. 1882
Lucius Q. Lamar Miss. 1885
William F. Vilas Wis. 1888
John W. Noble Mo. 1889
Hoke Smith Ga. 1893
David R. Francis Mo. 1896
Cornelius N. Bliss N. Y. 1897
Ethan A. Hitchcock Mo. 1899
James R. Garfield Ohio 1907
Richard A. Ballinger Wash 1908
Walter L. Fisher Ill. 1911
Franklin K. Lane Cal. 1913
John B. Payne Va. 1920
Albert B. Fall N. M. 1921

Name Residence  Appointed
George Cabot[1] Mass. 1798
Benjamin Stoddert Md. 1798
Benjamin Stoddert Md. 1801
Robert Smith Md. 1801
Jacob Crowninshield Mass. 1805
Paul Hamilton S. C. 1809
William Jones Pa. 1813
B. W. Crowninshield Mass. 1814
B. W. Crowninshield  Mass. 1817
Smith Thompson N. Y. 1818
Samuel L. Southard N. J. 1823
Samuel L. Southard N. J. 1825
John Branch N. C. 1829
Levi Woodbury N. H. 1831
Mahlon Dickerson N. J. 1834
  1. Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, but did not act.