Page:Columbus and other heroes of American discovery; (IA columbusotherher00bell).pdf/24

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Approach of the White Men—Sufferings in the Mountains—Jealousy of Settlers—Prairies
set on Fire—Survivors of the 30,000 rescued by White Men from
California. 255


Cozens' Start from Merilla—First Encounter with Apaches, and Murder of Laws—A
Bear Hunt—To the Ruins of Le Gran Quivara—Two Mules stolen—Back again
to Merilla—Cozens and Cochise, an Apache Chief—Cochise offers to act as
Guide to the Encampment of his Warriors—The great Mirage known as
Greenhorn's Lake—A Chaos of Rocks and Precipices—Following an Indian
Trail—Down the Ravine to the Apache Valley—First Sight of Apache Village
with Huts built on truncated Mounds—Excitement among the Apaches—Cochise
explains Cozens' Presence—Eager Welcome—Arrival of Magnus
Colorado, the great Scalper—Trying Interview between Magnus and Cozens—Eternal
Friendship sworn—A blood-stained Baby's Frock—Scalp Dance and
its attendant Horrors—Back again to Mexico—Second and third Trips to the
North—With Jim Davis the Emigrant's Friend, to the Navajoe Country—Ascent
of the Sierra Madre—Encounter with a Panther—In the Zuni Valley
among the blue-eyed Indians—Ruins of Zuni—Encounter with Navajoes—Jim
Davis's Story—Re-capture of stolen Cattle—A fall of Three Hundred Feet—Marvelous
Preservation of Cozens—Nursed by the Zunis—Murder of Stewart's
Family by Apaches—Escape of Stewart to Zuni—His Death of a broken Heart—Return
of Cozens to Mexico. 258


Crisis in British America—Consolidation of its various Parts into one great Colony—Decay
of the Hudson's Bay Company—Establishment of an International
Boundary Line—Journey of Palliser—Admission of British Columbia to the
Dominion, and Conditions of that Admission—Surveys for Railway—Fleming's
Expeditions—Dispute between the British Government and the United States—Joint-Commission
sent out to determine the Boundary Line—Results obtained
by it. 269