Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/171

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Nikíta (from the cellar). Let me see the light!

Matréna (puts down the lantern, to Anísya). He is digging. Go and bring it!

Anísya. Watch him or the accursed one will go away. I will bring it out.

Matréna. Say, don't forget to baptize it! If you can't do it, I will. Have you a cross?

Anísya. I know where to find one. (Exit.)

Scene XIII. Matréna (alone) and Nikíta (in the cellar).

Matréna How the woman has flared up! Of course, it is provoking. God aid us in covering up the matter, and let there be an end of it! We will get rid of the girl without a crime. My son will then live quietly. They have plenty of everything in the house, thank God. He will not forget me. What would they be without Matréna. They would not be able to think out a thing. (Into the cellar.) Are you done, my son?

Nikíta (coming out of the cellar. His head is visible). Well? Are you going to bring it? Why are you crawling so? If it is to be done, do it quick!

Scene XIV. The same and Anísya. (Matréna walks over to the vestibule and meets Anísya. Anísya comes out with the baby swaddled in rags.)

Matréna. Have you crossed it?

Anísya. Of course. I took it away by force. She would not let me have it. (Comes up to Nikíta and gives it to him.)

Nikíta (not taking it). Take it down yourself

Anísya. Take it, I say. (She throws the child to him.)

Nikíta (catching it). Alive! Mother, it is moving! It is alive! What shall I—