Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/172

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Anísya (taking the child out of his hands and throwing it into the cellar). Strangle it at once and it won't live. (Pushes Nikita down-stairs.) This is your affair. Make an end of it!

Matréna (sitting down on the top step). He is compassionate. It is hard for him. Well, it is his own sin. (Anísya stands over the cellar. Matréna sits down on the steps of the porch and looks at her.) Oh, how frightened he got! Suppose it is hard,—still it has to be done. What else could we do? When you come to think of it: how some people beg for children! But God does not grant them any, and they get only still-born children. There, for example, the pope's wife—and here is a living child, and nobody wants it. (Looking down into the cellar.) He must be through. (To Anísya.) Well?

Anísya (looking down into the cellar). He has covered it with a board and is sitting down on it. He has done it, no doubt.

Matréna. Oh, oh! I should like to get along without sinning, but what is to be done?

Nikíta (coming out, shivering). It is still living! I can't! It is living!

Anísya. If it is living, where are you going? (Wants to stop him.)

Nikíta (rushes against her). Go away, or I will kill you! (Seizes her hand; she tears herself away; he runs after her with the spade. Matréna runs toward him and stops him. Anísya runs upon the porch. Matréna wants to take away the spade.)

Nikíta (to his mother). I will kill you, you, too! Get away! (Matréna runs away to Anísya on the porch. Nikíta stops.) I will kill you! I will kill everybody!

Matréna. He does this from fright. Never mind, it will pass.

Nikíta. What have they done? What have they done with me? How it cried!—How it crunched under