Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/192

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Matréna. Here he is, my dear, here. He is lying in the straw and won't get up.

Nikíta (looking at his wife). I declare, she is drunk, too. It sickens me to look at her. How can I live with her? (Turns his face downward.) I will kill her some day. It will only be worse.

Anísya. So you have hidden yourself in the straw! Has the liquor knocked you down? (Laughing.) I should like to lie down with you myself, but I have no time. Come, I will lead you in. Oh, how nice everything is in the house! It makes one feel good to look at it. There is an accordion! The women are singing so nicely. They are all drunk, as is proper. It is so nice!

Nikíta. What is nice?

Anísya. The wedding, the merry wedding. All people say that it is a rare wedding. Everything is so nice and proper. Come now! We will go together—I have had some liquor, but I will manage to take you there. (Takes him by the hand.)

Nikíta (pulling himself away in disgust). Go by yourself! I will be there.

Anísya. What are you pouting about? We are rid of all our trouble and have made her a bride,—so now we can live an easy life. Everything is done so properly, and according to the Law. I can't tell you how happy I am. I feel as though I were marrying you again. And the people are so satisfied! They are all very thankful. And such nice guests. Iván Moséich and the officer, too. They have honoured us, too.

Nikíta. Very well, stay with them! What did you come here for?

Anísya. You must come! How will it look for the hosts to run away from the guests? And they are such nice guests!

Nikíta (getting up and picking off the straw). Go! I will be there in a minute.