Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/230

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Vasíli Leonídych. Well, I suppose he is asking the spirit whether to sell the land or not. Ah, what?

Fédor Iványch. I can't say. I know that he went away in indecision.

Vasíli Leonídych. What do you think, Fédor Iványch, has he any money? Ah, what?

Fédor Iványch. I don't know. Hardly. Why do you want to know? You took a good slice of it last week!

Vasíli Leonídych. But I gave that away for the dogs. You know we have a new society: Petríshchev has been elected, and I have taken some money from Petríshchev, so I have to pay now for him and for myself. Ah, what?

Fédor Iványch. What kind of a new society is it? Of bicyclists?

Vasíli Leonídych. No. I will tell you in a minute: it is a new society. Let me tell you, a very serious society. And do you know who is the president of it? Ah, what?

Fédor Iványch. What does this new society consist in?

Vasíli Leonídych. A society for the encouragement of breeding ancient Russian stout-bodied dogs. Ah, what? Let me tell you: to-day is the first meeting and a lunch. And I have no money. I will go to him, and will try. (Exit through the door.)

Scene XXX. The peasants, Fédor Iványch, and Messenger.

First Peasant (to Fédor Iványch). Honourable man, who is this?

Fédor Iványch (smiling). The young gentleman.

Third Peasant. The heir, let us say. O Lord! (Hides the money.) I had better put it away in time.