Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/231

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First Peasant. We were told that he was a military man, in the meritoriousness of the cavalry, for example.

Fédor Iványch. No. Being an only son, he is free from military service.

Third Peasant. He is left to take care of his parents, let us say. That is regular.

Second Peasant (shaking his head). Nice care he will take of them!

Third Peasant. O Lord!

Scene XXXI. Fédor Iványch, three peasants, Vasíli Leonídych, and (after him at the door) Leoníd Fédorovich.

Vasíli Leonídych. It is always that way. Really it is wonderful. At first they say that I have no occupation, and when I find an activity and am busy,―a serious society has been founded pursuing noble aims,—you begrudge me some paltry three hundred roubles!

Leoníd Fédorovich. I told you I could not, and that is the end of it. I have none.

Vasíli Leonídych. But you have sold the land!

Leoníd Fédorovich. In the first place, I have not sold it; and, above everything else, leave me in peace! You were told that I was busy. (Slams the door.)

Scene XXXII. The same, without Leoníd Fédorovich.

Fédor Iványch. I told you this was not the time for it.

Vasíli Leonídych. I tell you this is a bad business for me, ah? I will go to mamma,—this will be my only salvation. He is raving with his spiritualism, and is forgetting everybody. (Goes up-stairs. Fédor Iványch sits down to read his paper.)