Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/232

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Scene XXXIII. The same. Betsy and Márya Konstantínovna come down-stairs, followed by Grigóri.

Betsy. Is the carriage ready?

Grigóri. It is driving up.

Betsy (to Márya Konstantínovna). Come, come! I saw that it was he!

Márya Konstantínovna. What he?

Betsy. You know very well that it is Petríshchev.

Márya Konstantínovna. Where is he?

Betsy. He is sitting in Vovó's room. You will see yourself.

Márya Konstantínovna. But suppose it is not he? (The peasants and the messenger bow.)

Betsy (to the messenger). Ah, you are from Bourdier, with the dress?

Messenger. Yes, madam. May I go now?

Betsy. I do not know. This is for mamma.

Messenger. I do not know for whom. I was ordered to bring it here and get the money for it.

Betsy. Well, then wait!

Márya Konstantínovna. Is this the same costume for the charade?

Betsy. Yes, a superb costume! But mamma does not take it, and does not wish to pay for it.

Márya Konstantínovna. Why?

Betsy. You ask mamma. For Vovo's dogs it is not too much to pay five hundred roubles, but for a dress one hundred is too much. I certainly can't play as a scarecrow! (To the peasants.) Who are these?

Grigóri. Peasants. They have come to buy some land.

Betsy. I thought they were hunters. Are you not hunters?

First Peasant. Not by any means, madam. We are here in regard to the accomplishment of the sale