Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/233

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of the transfer of the land. We came to see Leoníd Fédorovich.

Betsy. But how is that? I am sure hunters were to come for Vovó. Truly, you are no hunters? (The peasants keep silent.) How stupid they are! (Walks over to the door.) Vovó! (Laughs.)

Márya Konstantínovna. We met him just a little while ago.

Betsy. Who asks you to remember that? Vovó, are you here?

Scene XXXIV. The same and Petríshchev.

Petríshchev. Vovó is not here, but I am ready to do all that is expected of him. Good morning! Good morning, Márya Konstantínovna! (For a long time firmly presses Betsy's and then Márya Konstantinovna's hand.)

Second Peasant. I declare, he looks as though he were pumping water!

Betsy. You can't take his place, but still you are better than nothing. (Laughing.) What kind of business have you with Vovó?

Petríshchev. Business? Fi-nancial business, that is, our business is fie! and at the same time nancial, besides being financial.

Betsy. What do you mean by nancial?

Petríshchev. That is the question! The trick is it does not mean anything!

Betsy. Now, that was not a success, not at all! (Laughs.)

Petríshchev. You can't make it a success every time. It is like a raffle. At first it is nothing, and again nothing, and then there is a prize.

(Fédor Iványch walks into the cabinet of Leoníd Fédorovich.)