Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/239

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(Anna Pávlovna keeps strict silence, awaiting the return of the doctor.)

Vasíli Leonídych (to the peasants). Do you fatten pigs? That is profitable!

First Peasant. In rivality, we now and then let loose on the pig business.

Vasíli Leonídych. Like this—yoo, yooó. (Grunts like a young pig.)

Anna Pávlovna. Vovó, Vovó! Stop!

Vasíli Leonídych. Is it correct? Ah, what?

First Peasant. In rivality, there is similarity.

Anna Pávlovna. Vovó, stop, I tell you!

Second Peasant. What is that for?

Third Peasant. I told you we had better stay in our lodging—

Scene XLIV. The same, Doctor, and Grigóri.

Doctor. What is it again? What?

Anna Pávlovna. You tell me not to be agitated. How can I be calm? I have not seen my sister for two months; I beware of every suspicious visitor,—and suddenly these people come from Kursk,—straight from Kursk, where there is an epidemic of diphtheria,—and straight into my house!

Doctor. You refer to these good fellows?

Anna Pávlovna. Yes, straight from a locality where there is diphtheria!

Doctor. Of course, if they come from a diphtheria centre, it is careless, but there is no cause for agitation.

Anna Pávlovna. But you yourself prescribe caution!

Doctor. Yes, yes, but there is no cause for being so agitated.

Anna Pávlovna. But there will have to be a complete disinfection.