Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/240

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Doctor. No, not complete,—that is too expensive, something like three hundred roubles, and even more. But I will fix it cheaply and just as efficaciously. To a big bottle of water take—

Anna Pávlovna. Boiled water?

Doctor. Makes no difference. Boiled water is better. To a bottle of water take a tablespoon of salicylic acid, and have them wash everything which they have touched, and the good fellows, of course, must be sent away. That is all. Then you need have no fear. Sprinkle two or three glasses of the same composition through the air by means of the atomizer, and you will see how good it will all be. It is quite harmless!

Anna Pávlovna. Where is Tánya? Call Tánya!

Scene XLV. The same and Tánya.

Tánya. What do you wish?

Anna Pávlovna. Do you know the big bottle in the boudoir?

Tánya. From which they have been sprinkling on the laundress yesterday?

Anna Pávlovna. Yes, yes. What else could I mean? Take this bottle and wash out first the place where they are standing with soap and then with that—

Tánya. Yes, madam. I know how.

Anna Pávlovna. Then take the atomizer— Still, I will be back and will do it myself.

Doctor. Do as I tell you, and have no fear! Well, good-bye, until the evening. (Exit.)

Scene XLVI. The same, without Doctor.

Anna Pávlovna. And drive them out, so that their breath even shall not be here! Get out, get out! Go! What are you waiting for?