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The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

things are nothing in presence of him who possesses all things in himself. The smoke that came from this sacrifice and arose in the air signified that God received it as a sweet odor, that is to say, with pleasure, as is written of the sacrifice of Noe: Noe … offered holocausts upon the altar; and the Lord smelled a sweet savor.[1]

5. All the people, together with the priest, had to be partakers of the victim. Hence, in the sacrifices, excepting the holocaust, the victim was divided into three parts, one part of which was destined for the priest, one for the people, and one for the fire. This last part was regarded as belonging to God, who by this means communicated in some manner with those who were partakers of the victim.

These five conditions are found reunited in the sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb. The Lord had commanded Moses[2] that, on the tenth day of the month on which the Jews had been delivered from the slavery of Egypt, a lamb of one year and without blemish should be taken and separated from the flock; and thus were verified the conditions enumerated above, namely: 1. The separation of the lamb signified that it was a victim consecrated to God; 2. This consecration was succeeded by the oblation, which took place in the Temple, where the lamb was presented; 3. On the fourteenth day of the month the immolation took place, or the lamb was killed; 4. Then the lamb was roasted and divided among those present; and this was the partaking of it, or communion; 5. Finally, the lamb having been eaten, what remained of it was consumed by fire, and thus was the sacrifice consummated.

  1. "Noe … obtulit holocausta super altare; odoratusque est Dominus odorem suavitatis."Gen. viii. 20.
  2. Exod. xii. 3.