Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/199

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The Complete

pound of butter, half a pound of sugar, a quarter of an ounce of nutmegs, four spoonfuls of rose water, and bake them quick.

To make Orange Cheesecakes.

Take half a pound of Jordan almonds, beat them very fine, and put to them a little sack or orange flower water, lest they turn to oil; the yolks of eight eggs, and three whites, three quarters of a pound of melted butter, and the rinds of two Seville oranges, grated and well beaten; mix these all together and sweeten it to your taste; the oven must be as quick as can be without burning them; and a very little time will bake them.

To make Rice Cheesecakes.

Take a pound of ground rice, and boil it in a gallon of milk, with a little whole cinnamon, till it be of a good thickness; pour it into a pan, and put about three quarters of a pound of fresh butter in it; let it stand covered till it is cold; then put in twelve eggs, and leave half the whites out, and a pound of currants, grate in a small nutmeg, and sweeten it to your own palate.

To make Bread Cheesecakes.

Having sliced a penny loaf as thin as possible, pour on it a pint of a boiling cream, and let it stand two hours; take eight eggs, half a pound of butter, and a nutmeg grated; beat them well together, and put in half a pound of currants well washed and dried before the fire, and a spoonful of white wine or brandy; then bake them in pattipans or raised crust.
