Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/200

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To make Cheesecakes the French Way, called Ramequins.

Take good Parmesan, or Cheshire cheese, melt it in a stew-pan with a bit of butter, and one or two spoonfuls of water; add as much flour as will make it pretty thick, and quit the sides of the pan, put it into another pan, and add eggs to it, one by one, mixing it well with a wooden spoon till it becomes pretty light and clear; add one or two pounded anchovies, and a little pepper; bake the cases singly upon a baking-plate, or in paper cases, of what shape you please; they require but a short time, and a soft oven, and must be served quite hot.

To make Citron Cheesecakes.

Boil a quart of cream, and when cold, mix it with the yolks of four eggs well beaten; set it on the fire and let it boil till it curds; blanch some almonds, beat them with orange flower water, put them into the cream, with a few Naples biscuits and green citron shred fine; sweeten it to your taste, and bake them in tea-cups.

To make Court Cheesecakes.

Boil a bit of butter in a little water and a little salt; thicken it with as much flour as it will take, stirring it on the fire constantly until it becomes quite a paste; then mix the eggs with it one by one, to make it almost as liquid as a thick batter; and mix some good cream cheese with it; bake it in good puff paste, coloured with yolks of eggs; serve it up either hot or cold.
