Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/280

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To make Ratafia.

Take what quantity of brandy you chuse, putting to every gallon a quart of the best orange-flower water, and a quart of good French wine; the brandy must be very fine and of a good age; put in about four hundred apricot stones, and a pound and a quarter of white sugar-candy; crack the stones and put them, with the shells, into a bottle; stop it very close, seal it down, and put it in the sun for six weeks; take it in every night, observing to shake it well; let it settle, and rack it off when it is perfectly fine.

To make Plague Water.

Take rosa solis, agrimony, betony, scabius, centaury tops, scordium, balm, rue, wormwood, mugwort, celandine, rosemary, marigold leaves, brown sage, burnet, carduus, and dragons, of each a large handful; angelica, piony, tormentil, and elecampane roots, and liquorice, of each one ounce; cut the herbs, slice the roots, and put them all into an earthen pot; add to them a gallon of white wine, and a quart of brandy; let them steep two days close covered, then distil it in an ordinary still over a gentle fire, and sweeten it as you think proper.

Juniper Berries.

Take of the best juniper berries twelve ounces, proof spirits of wine three gallons, a sufficient quantity of water, and distil them; you may sweeten it with sugar. It is an excellent remedy for wind in the stomach and bowels, powerfully provokes urine, and is therefore a good diuretick
