Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/281

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The Complete

in the gravel and jaundice; you may distil it a second time, only by adding the same quantity of berries.

To make Cardamum Water.

Take pimento, caraway and coriander seeds, and lemon peel, of each four ounces; proof spirits three gallons, and a sufficient quantity of water; distil it, and sweeten it with one pound and an half of sugar: this is a cheap and good cordial, and may be used in all cases where a stomachic cordial is necessary.

To make Nutmeg Water.

Take and bruise half a pound of nutmegs, an ounce of orange peel, spirits of wine rectified three gallons, and a sufficient quantity of water; distil and sweeten them with two pounds of loaf sugar. It is an excellent cephalic and stomachic cordial, it helps the memory and strengthens the eyesight.

To make Mint, Balm, or Pennyroyal Water.

Take four pounds of dried mint, (three pounds of any of the other herbs are sufficient) two gallons and an half of proof spirits, and three gallons of water; distil them, and sweeten the water with one pound and an half of sugar.

To make Walnut Water.

Take a peck of fine green walnuts, bruise them well in a large mortar, put them in a pan with a handful of balm bruised, put two quarts of good French brandy to them, cover them close, and let them lay three days; the next day distil
