Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/291

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The Complete

a handful; the roots of gentian, dock, butter-bur, and piony, bay and juniper berries, of each a pound; nutmegs and cloves, an ounce each, and half an ounce of mace: pick the herbs and flowers, and shred them a little; cut the roots, bruise the berries, and pound the spice fine; take a peck of green walnuts, and chops them small; mix all these together, and lay them to steep in sack lees, or any white wine lees, or in good spirits, but wine lees are best; let them lie a week or ten days; stir them once a day with a stick, and keep them close covered; then distil them in a limbeck with a slow fire, and take care the still does not burn; the first, second, and third runnings are good, and some of the fourth; let them stand till they are cold, then put them together.

To make black Cherry Water.

Take six pounds of black cherries, and bruise them small; then put to them the tops of rosemary, sweet marjorum, spearmint, angelica, balm, and marigold flowers, of each a handful; dried violets one ounce; aniseeds and sweet fennel seeds, of each half an ounce, bruised; cut the herbs small, mix all together, and distill them off in a cold still.

Another Way.

Take two quarts of strong claret, and four pounds of black cherries full ripe, beat them and put them to the wine, with angelica, balm, and carduus, of each a handful, half as much mint and as many rosemary flowers as you can hold in both your hands; three handfuls of clove gilly-
