Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/292

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flowers, two ounces of cinnamon cut small, and one ounce of nutmegs; put all these into a deep pot, let them be well stirred together, then cover it so close that no air can get in, let it stand one day and a night, then put it into the still, which must also be stopped close, and draw off as much as runs good, sweeten it with sugar-candy to your taste.

To make a rich Cherry Cordial.

Take a stone pot that has a broad bottom and a narrow top, and lay a row of black cherries and a row of fine powdered sugar, do this till your pot is full; measure your pot, and for every gallon it holds, put a quarter of a pint of spirit of wine; pick the cherries clean from soil and stalks, but do not wash them; when you have thus filled your pot, stop it with a cork, and tie first a bladder, then a leather over it; and if it is not close enough, pith it, and bury it in the earth six months, or longer; then strain it out, and keep it close stopped up for use.

To make Lady Allen's Water.

Take balm, rosemary, sage, carduus, wormwood, dragons, scordium, mugwort, scabius, tormentil roots and leaves, angelica roots and leaves, betony flowers and leaves, centaury tops, pimpernel, wood or other sorrel, rue, agrimony, and rosa solis, of each half a pound; liquorice four ounces, and elecampane roots two ounces; wash the herbs, slice the roots, put all in three gallons of the best white wine, and let them stand close co-
