Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/391

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The Complete

To make fifteen Gallons of Clove Water.

Take four pounds of cloves bruised, half a pound of pimento or all-spice, and sixteen gallons of clean proof spirits; let it digest twelve hours in a gentle heat, and then draw of fifteen gallons with a pretty brisk fire.

Another Way.

Take four pounds of Winter bark, six ounces of pimento, a pound and a quarter of cloves, and sixteen gallons of clean proof spirits; digest and draw off as before. You may sweeten it to your palate, by dissolving in it double refined sugar.

To make ten Gallons of Antiscorbutic Water.

Take of the leaves of water-cresses, garden and sea-scurvy-grass, and brook-lime, of each twenty handfuls; of pine tops, germander, horehound, and the lesser centaury, each sixteen handfuls; of the roots of briony and sharp pointed dock, each six pounds; of mustard seed one pound and an half; digest the whole in ten gallons of proof spirit, and two gallons of water, and draw off by a gentle fire. It is good against scorbutic disorders; as also in tremblings and disorders of the nerves.

To make ten Gallons of Imperial Water.

Take the dried peels of citrons and oranges, nutmegs, cloves, and cinnamon, of each one pound; the roots of cypress, florentine orrice, calamus aromaticus, of each eight ounces; zedoary, galangal, and ginger, of each four ounces;
