Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/392

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the tops of lavender and rosemary, of each sixteen handfuls; the leaves of marjorum, mint, and thyme, of each eight handfuls; the leaves of white and damask roses, of each twelve handfuls; digest the whole two days in ten gallons of proof spirit, and four gallons of damask rose water; after which draw off ten gallons. It is a very good cephalic, and of great use in all nervous case; it is also a very pleasant dram, especially if sweetened with fine sugar, and good upon any sudden sickness of the stomach.

To make ten Gallons of compound Bryony Water.

Take of the roots of bryony, four pounds; wild valerian root, one pound; pennyroyal and rue, of each two pounds; the flowers of fever-few and tops of savin, of each four ounces; the rind of fresh orange peel and lovage seeds, of each half a pound; cut or bruise these ingredients, and infuse them in eleven gallons of proof spirit, and two gallons of water, and draw off ten gallons with a gentle heat.

Another Way.

Take of fresh bryony root, four pounds; the leaves of rue and mugmort, of each four pounds; the tops of savin, six handfuls; fever-few, catmint, and pennyroyal, of each four handfuls; orange peel, eight ounces; myrrh, four ounces; Russia castor, two ounces; proof spirit, eleven gallons; water, two gallons: digest and distil as before. It is very forcing upon the uterus, and therefore given to promote delivery, and forward the proper cleansings afterwards; as also to open
