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Mar., 1910 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 83 all indicative of an "artistic eye"; and that the narrowing of the vane at the subsequently de- nuded portion of the retrix is but one feature of the degeneration of that part of the feather, rather than the result of voluntary mutilation carried on thrn manor generations. It is a subject of great interest, most at- tractively presented, and to the reviewer at least, the conclusions are most convincingly demonstrated.--H. S.S. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NOl?THEl?N DIVISION NovEMB,ER.--The November meeting of the Northern Division of the Club was held on Sat- urday evening, November 20, at Berkeley, in the lecture room of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. The meettug was called to order by President W. K. Fisher. The minutes of the October meeting Were read-and approved as read. A communication from Mr. Win. Dutch- er, of the Audubon Society, was read and placed on file. The resignation of Dr. Lu Ella Cool Walker was read, and on motion was accepted. The motion was made and carried that the Club hold an annual dinner. Nominations for officers for 1910 were declared in order and the following nominations were made: President, J. Grinnell; Senior Vice- president, R. S. Wheeler; Junior Vice-president, J. Dixon; Secretary, H. W. Carriger; Treasur- ers, J. Eugene Law and W. Lee Chambers. Mr. Grinnell gave a very interesting talk on the Gray Vireo and the Dusky Warbler, illus- trated by skins of the warbler, and nests, eggs, skins, and photographs of the vireo. Mr. J. Mailliard, who has been working on the Tri- colored Blackbird, gave a talk on the subject, illustrated by a number of skins. Adjourned. --H. W. CARRm?;?, Secretary. J?,NU?,ll.--The January meeting of the Northern Division of the Club was held on Sat- urday evening, January 22, in the lecture room of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. The meeting was called to order with Senior Vice- president W. P. Taylor in the chair, and the following members present: J. Grinnell, L. M. Loomis, E. W. Gifford, Ernest Mailliard, Joseph Mailliard, H. S. Swarth, J. Dixon, M. Ray, O. Heinemann, and H. W. Cartiger. Messrs. H. C. Bryant, R. P. Shields, and H. C. Tracy were present as visitors. The minutes of the last meeting were read ai?d approved as read. A motion was made and carried that the Secre- tary cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership the following, whose names were presented at our last meet- ing: John J. Dalgleish, Morton E. Peck, Earle R. Forrest, F.B. McKennie, E. Arnold, and L. B. Howsley. The following names were proposed for mem- bership by W. L. Chambers: C. S. Day, West Roxberg, Mass.; W. C. Braislin, Brooklyn, N. Y.; V. Burtch, Branchport, N.Y.; F. S. Wright, Auburn, N.Y.; C.J. Pennock, Kennett Square, Penn.; B. S. Bowdish, Damarest, N.J.; B. A. Ar- nold, Albany, N.Y.; W. L. Burnett, Loveland, Col. Also G. R. Rossignoe, Jr., Savannah, Ga. by H. F. Duprey; H. L. Bigelow, Chestnut Hill, Mass., and C. I. Clay, Eureka, Cal., by H. W. Mars- den; Dr. F. H. KnowItoh, U.S. National Mu- seum, by C. W. Richmond; Coleman Jonas, Denver, Col., by R. B. Rockwell; and C. L. Dewey, Whitestone, Long Island, N.Y., by H. S. Swarth. Nominations for officers for 1910 were declared open. There being no further nominations the election was proceeded with, after which the chair declared the following elected: Presi- dent, J. Grinnell; SeniorVice-president, R. S. Wheeler; Junior Vice-president, J. Dixon; Sec- retary. H. W. Carriger; Treasurers, J. E. Law, and W. L. Chambers. The chair was then taken by M?'. Grinnell. The resignati6n of F. B. Rodolph was presented, and accepted. A proposal to elect Dr. J. A. Allen to honorary membership in the Club was presented, signed by seven active members. A report from Mr. W. Lee Chambers was read and accepted, and the Secretary was in- strncted to write Mr. Chambers extending the thanks of the Club for the able work he has done. A letter from Mr. Win. Dutcher of the Audubon Society was read, relative to the al- leged destruction of sea birds on the Farallones by dogs belonging to the light-house keepers, and the Secretary offered' to attempt to secure further information on the subject. Mr. Joseph Mailliard read an interesting paper On the blackbirds of California, illustrated by photographs and specimens, which was after- ward discust by the members. present. (See artlea, p. 63.) Adjourned.--H. W. C?,aaiG?a, Secrelary. SOUTIIt{RN DIVISION JANUAR.--The January meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held on Thursday, January 27, 1910 at Room 1, City Hall, Los Angeles. The meet- ing was called to order by President Morcom and in the absence of Secretary Law, Howard Robertson was elected Secretary pro tern. The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. Allyn G. Smith, Redlands, Cali- fornia, was duly elected to active membership. The name of Gaylord K. Snyder, Stanford Uni- versity, California, was proposed for member- ship by V. W. Owen. The resignation of Lester Black of Bloomington, Indiana, was read and action thereon was postponed until the February meeting.