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CONTENTS The Cooper Club Member ?nd Scientific Work_ ................. ffffarold C. ?Rryant 101 Bird Notes from Netarts Bay, Oregon (with five photos by O.J./Flutie) ..................... ............................................................................................... ?Vtanley G. Jewell 107 A Sadly Neglected Matter_ ...................................................... /qllan ]?rooks 115 Nesting of the Kittlitz Murrelet .................................................... John E. Thaye? 117 Resident versus Visitant .......................................................... R/illiam Leon Dawson 119 A Change in Fauna ..................................................................................... ?'ayre Kenagy 120 The Races of ]?ranla canadens? .............................................................. Milan Brooks 123 The Birds of Teton and Northern Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana (with ten photos by the author) .................................................. /qrelas /q..?aund?rs 124 I?ROM FIELD A?D STUDY: California Murre at Newport Beach, Orange County, California ....................... ..................................................................................... .?driaan van Rossera 144 Return of a XVestern Flycatcher to a Particular Locality .......... Tracy L Sgorer 144 Red-winged Blackbird on the Sierras in Winter. ................. John IV./Vailliard 144 Desert Sparrow near Claremont, California .............................. IVright M. Pierce 1?4 Least and Western Sandpipers Summering in San Diego County, California ............................................................................. ?Idriaan van Rossern 145 Ferrnginous Rough-leg at Los Angeles ........................................... L. E. liVyman Variation in Coloration of Male House Finches ............... lVrigid ?r. Pierce 145 Notes from the San Bernardino Mountains ................. ?qdrtaan van Rossera 145 Early Nesting of the California Shrike ........................................... V?. C. IYanna 146 Additional Notes to Willett's "Birds of the Pacific Slope of Southern Cali- fornia? ...................................................................................... ?VrigM?. Pierce 146 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ...................................................................... 147 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ......................................................................................... 149 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB I?IEETINGS ..................................................... 152 DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB 154 Zntered ? =econd-clas= matter l%bra=r?, 19/)8. ?t the po?t office at Lo? A. ngeles (Hollywood Station). California. under &ct of Congre?* of March 3, 1?79. I?ued from the Office of The Condor, First l?tion?l Bank Building, Hollywood, Handbool of Birds OF THE Western United States By FLORENCE MERRIAM BAILEY With thirty-three full-page plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and over six hundred cuts iu the text. THIRD EDITION $15.50 Net. Postpaid, $?5.69 Houghton Mifflin Company 4 Park Street I?o?ton.