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THE. CO.II).OR 'V'olume X1 Me?'-June. 1914 Number THE COOPER CLUB MEMBER AND SCIENTIFIC WORK* By HAROLD C. BRYANT T THE, END of each year the merchant takes an inventory of his stock and makes plans for future business. In the same way, it seems to me, such an organization as the Cooper Ornithological Club can well afford to take the time to consider in review its accomplishments of the preceding year and to outline its policies for the coming year. It is therefore fitting that tonight we should look into the past, estimate where we stand at the present, and with the data from these two sources as a foundation, formulate working plans for the future. We cannot pride ourselves on being an old organization, for we will only have reached our majority next June. It was on June 22, 1893, that four youth- ful but earnest bird students met in San Jose and organized the Cooper Ornith- ological Club, naming the organization after that pioneer student of birds in California, Dr. J. G. Cooper. The charter members were W. H. Osgood, H. R. Painton, Chester Barlow and F. A. Schneider, the four constituting the first officers of the Club. By the end of the first year the Club's membership num- bered twenty-five. "The Nidiologist", an amateur bird magazine, several numbers of which had already appeared under the editorship of Harry R. Tay- lor, formerly of Alameda, was taken over as the official organ. In 1897 the "Nid" suspended publication, and it was not until a year later that the first "Bulletin" of the Cooper Club was issued. During the interim "The Osprey", another amateur ornithological magazine, issued at Galesburg, Illinois, was used as the publishing medium of the Club, the notes being edited by D. A. Cohen. After a year the "Bulletin" of the Cooper Ornithological Club was named Tn? CONDOR, and under this name is now well known as a magazine of western ornithology. In 1894 members of the Club residing in southern California obtained per-

  • President's address, delivered at Northern Division meeting, Cooper Ornithological

Club, ?Iarch 19, 1914.